GOT $ ? “Financial Life after Graduation” – May 17

 (Do you have money questions?)

You are invited to a conversation on     Financial Life after Graduation

12:30-1:30 • FRIDAY, May 17 •  Room 305″A”  SSW

Advice and discussion about financial matters facing new graduates, including:

  • Mixed emotions about your first real paycheck!
  • A fast guide to retirement options
  • The “financial first steps” that are most important to take early in your career
  • Common financial mistakes to avoid
  • Social justice principles and how to think (and talk) about taxes and Social Security
  • And more!

Small Print:  All content is for informational purposes only.  The presenter, Jennie Romich, is not a financial, tax or legal professional (but rather an opinionated person with an interest in social justice aspects of personal finance).  For more information, please contact Linda Ruffer in Student Services at

To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450/V, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264/Fax, or
Off-campus?  Online options.

Please note that there are many podcasts available for students unable to attend on-campus workshops.

  • The Career Center offers streaming online workshops on resumes/cover letters, successful interviews and using social media in one’s job search:
  • School of Social Work’s Career Resources:


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