Unmasking Whiteness Institute Events, University Credit Available

It’s time to announce and spread the word about two important learning opportunities!
Please pass this along to those who might be interested.

#1. Unmasking Whiteness – A Summer Institute • This 4-day institute is designed specifically for self-identifying white people interested in creating an anti-racist practice. This is a “white folks working with white folks” event in Los Angeles that responds to the call from people of color who’ve told us that this approach has an important role to play in racial justice work.

#2. Witnessing Whiteness – A Workshop Series • This free resource (downloadable) workshops series, is designed for multiracial groups to work in their home communities to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and issues related to whiteness, cross-race interactions, and creating an anti-racist practice.

***University credit is available for both options through UCCS! Read below for details! ***

#1. Unmasking Whiteness – A Summer Institute

AWARE-LA is happy to announce we are offering our 5th annual workshop series on building white anti-racist practice and community in an intensive 4-day institute designed specifically for white people. This institute is intended to help white people deepen their understanding of their relationship to white privilege and create a more effective anti-racist practice. Please pass this email on to your self-identifying white colleagues who might be interested!

The institute will run from Thursday, June 27th through Sunday, June 30th, 2013 and will take place on the downtown Los Angeles, Mount St. Mary’s College, Doheny campus. The cost for attendance is only $225 for the full 4-day institute.

This series invites white people to deepen their self-awareness and build community with other white people taking up work for racial justice. Through personal reflection, small and large group dialogue, and experiential activities, this institute invites the exploration of subjects such as:

* The meaning of whiteness
* White privilege and multiple identities
* How to resolve guilt and shame
* Institutional racism
* Development of an anti-racist practice and identity

Please forward this email and its attached flyer and information sheet to anyone you feel might be interested in this event. The registration application is available at:

Contact Shelly Tochluk at for more information.

*** Those interested in receiving university credit at either the graduate or undergraduate level should see the Projects page on the AWARE-LA website for an information sheet that describes 1) additional readings and assignments due, 3) registration information, and 3) a link to UCCS, our partnering university, (for tuition costs, application procedures, and the related, optional certificate program):
#2. Witnessing Whiteness – A Workshop Series

Is your community committed to…

• Developing authentic relationships across race?
•Supporting racial justice initiatives?

A free, downloadable comprehensive workshop series is now available for groups interested in exploring their relationship to race and privilege.

Detailed, chapter-by-chapter agendas aligned with the book WITNESSING WHITENESS allow local facilitation teams to augment their leadership capacity as they lead book groups through an 11-part workshop series aligned with the recently released second edition.

Topics include:
• Why Pay Attention to Race?
• Culture, Tradition, and Appropriation • Authentic Relationships • History of White Anti-racism • Racial Identity • Privilege and Multiple Social Identities • Transformative Relationships • Racial Scripts • Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting • Cultural Change • Group Goal Setting

Workshop agendas and resource documents to implement the series available for free download at Also, visit the website for more information regarding the workshop series’ development, book orders, and author’s contact information.

“Witnessing Whiteness is a rare and precious gem in the national literature on race and privilege. Shelly Tochluk provides readers of this comprehensive volume with a well-crafted blend of personal and analytical material, which will prove helpful for anyone lucky enough to read it. Unraveling the knot of privilege and unawareness that so often binds white Americans and weakens the struggle for racial justice is a crucial task; and Witnessing Whiteness is a brilliantly honed tool for helping with that unraveling process.”

-Tim Wise, author, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son

*** Those interested in receiving university credit at the graduate level for implementing the series in their home community should contact Shelly Tochluk at for more information. Also, please visit for certificate information.


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