Ethical Theory Course Offered

Course Description:

This course introduces students to some of the most influential ethical theories to date, and with a critical eye, studies the source and ground of their influence. Among the theories we discuss are the classical and contemporary utilitarianism, perfectionism, Ross’s ethics, and Kantian ethics. In the course of studying these theories, we raise and critically discuss questions such as the following: How do we avoid the conclusion that ethical standards are just a matter of cultural or individual opinion? Is it always morally preferable to perform whatever action produces the best consequences? What reason can anybody have for being moral rather than just giving the appearance of being moral when that serves one’s own purposes? Readings will be from historically prominent philosophers, such as Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche, and Kant, as well as contemporary authors.

ETHICAL THEORY, 5 credit course

B H 402/PHIL 412 withered with B H 502

Autumn 2013, Tues & Thurs, 12-2:20pm, SCC Room 308

Instructor, Nancy Jecker, PhD, Professor, Bioethics & Humanities, Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

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