Health and Homelessness 1 Credit Elective – Register Now!!

The School of Dentistry is pleased to announce that the critically acclaimed course Health and Homelessness (ORALM 651 – SLN #18476) will once again be starting this Autumn quarter (with new guest speakers!!!) and will be open to all health sciences students! If you haven’t take the course before, it aims to supplement your volunteer and outreach experience with a comprehensive understanding of the homeless community. I started the course last year after I had noticed that the most enriching volunteer experiences I had participated in were ones where I had gained a better understanding of the community I was serving. This course brings together speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds with the amazing opportunities provided by our community partners. Health and Homelessness_Flyer_AUTUMN 2013

Course Objectives:

  • Analyze the major social, cultural, legal and political factors contributing to homelessness in Seattle
  • Understand the challenges and steps for finding shelter for homeless individuals
  • Identify the major oral and systemic health issues confronting homeless individuals in Seattle.
  • Understand health care access problems for the homeless
  • Have completed 6 hours of hands-on experience in providing education and/or care delivery for homeless individuals.
  • Understand how health professionals from different backgrounds can work together to address the needs of the homeless.


  • 1 Hour Lunch-Time Discussion Sessions – 5 Sessions/Quarter (Thursdays, except for the first session)
  • Volunteer/Outreach Activities – 6 Hours/Quarter

Tentative Speaker Schedule:

  • Social Determinants of Health with Dr. Ben Danielson – 10/9 @ 12:30 in T-733
  • Dermatological Issues In Homeless Populations with Dr. Doug Paauw – TBD
  • Working With Homeless Youth in the Field with Kristine Cunningham – TBD
  • Veterans and Homelessness – H-PACT Program with Dr. Simha Reddy  – 11/7 @ 12:30 in T-739
  • Mental Health Services for Homeless Populations with Heather Barr – 11/21 @ 12:30 in T-739

If you are interested in the course you can learn more about last years series @ If you have any questions, feel free to email David Ludwig at

  • If you are ready to register for this amazing course, feel free to do so with SLN #18476
  • Respectfully,
  • David Ludwig
    President, Class of 2015
    UW School of Dentistry


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