PB AF 599A – The Giving Lab – Winter course

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and You!

What do you have in common?

Become a philanthropist this Winter Quarter in The Giving Lab and find out!


Register for The Giving Lab where YOU are the philanthropist, making actual grants and setting the stage for your own future giving (PBAF599A/NURS 505; 3-5 Credits; Thursday, 11:30am – 2:20pm; Winter Quarter, 2014).


Because philanthropy drives innovation and progress in virtually every field (particularly public affairs, nursing, and social work)! Engaging first-hand in the practice of philanthropy positions you to be a part of improving society through this important force.

So, tell me more…

Philanthropic giving is at the heart of this course. Its purpose is to immerse students in actual* grant-making and personal philanthropic planning. Students will learn the fundamentals of grant-making and individual giving through an action, clinical learning experience aimed at developing the basic knowledge, skills, and personal awareness necessary for effective individual and group/institutional philanthropy.

This 3-5 credit course includes seminars, field experiences, team collaboration, and guided individual learning. For students seeking an associated fund raising experience, the two additional credits may be earned with permission of faculty member. Advanced undergraduate students pursuing a second degree may request permission to register from the faculty member.

Want more information: Contact Professor Marla Salmon at

*Made possible through collaboration with the Seattle Foundation


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