Survey for SSW Students – RE: Disability Services/Resources Needed by Nov. 27

Hello SSW Students!

We are a group of Social Work 504 students interested in students’ experience with disability in the School of Social Work and interaction with services/resources. We are also, ultimately, interested in identifying ways to improve these resources. To do this we need your help. Please consider taking this short, voluntary and confidential survey by clicking this link:

Everyone is encouraged to respond although some questions will be specific to those who identify as having a disability. This survey is not affiliated with UW Disability Services Office, UW Disability Resources for Students or Student Services but information from the survey may be shared with these offices to increase awareness and support. 

Thank you so much for taking time to make your voice heard on these important issues! We plan to compile the data and report it to DRS so that it may inform how to improve accessibility for all students. This survey is time sensitive and, due to project deadlines, must be filled out no later than WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 


Thanks again!

Social Work 504 Students


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