Volunteer Opportunites Teaching/Tutoring in WA Prisons

Did you know?

  • The US comprises less than five percent of the world      population, but has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners (New York      Times, 2008)
  • Approximately 75% of state prison inmates did not      graduate high school (Teachers College, 2005)
  • Prisoners who go to college while incarcerated are 45%      less likely to return to prison than those who do not (Institute for      Higher Education Policy, 2005)

Want to know more?

On Tuesday, November 12th, from 5-6pm we will be holding a Prison Higher Education Volunteer Information Session in the Communications Building, room 202.

There are volunteer opportunities to teach credit and non-credit classes, tutor and present one-time seminars. We will discuss the steps to becoming a volunteer, hear from current volunteers about their experience teaching in prison and have time for Q&A. Refreshments provided.

This event is sponsored by:

Transformative Education Behind Bars (TEBB): A UW Simpson Center sponsored collaboration of students, faculty and community partners who are involved in WA prison higher education.

Huskies for Opportunities in Prison Education (HOPE): A UW RSO motivated by a group of students who participated in a class with prisoners at Monroe Correctional Complex this summer.

For questions, or if you are interested in more information, but cannot attend the event, please contact:

Jen Arthur
UW Biology Undergrad

Carrie Matthews
UW English Faculty


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