WTR course offering: GRDSCH 630: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

GRDSCH 630: Teaching in Learning in Higher Education Winter 2014 Wednesdays, 1:30-3:20

(2 credits) CR/NC

Co-instructors:  Calla Chancellor & Karen Freisem, Instructional Consultants at the Center for Teaching and Learning Class description This course is designed for graduate students who are interested in becoming college or university professors. Activities and readings will revolve around evidence-based pedagogies and practices in higher education, focusing on effective course design and assessment as well as promoting active learning and an inclusive classroom. Students will produce a teaching statement and become familiar with expectations for an academic teaching portfolio.

Student learning goals:

*   Build skills in promoting and assessing student learning, using technology effectively, and teaching inclusively.

*   Assess one’s own teaching and plan for future development as a teacher.

*   Develop materials for a teaching portfolio as a means to reflect on and document one’s work as a teacher.


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