Unique Offerings at IMA: Self-Defense, Meditation & MBSR

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Self-Defense for Women 1-Day Workshop
Become aware and empowered at the Self-Defense for Women Workshop at the IMA on Saturday, January 25 from 1-5 p.m. Participants will discuss and practice non-physical skills including awareness, assertiveness, and boundary setting. Participants will also develop physical skills that employ simple techniques to increase options and build confidence. Instructor Jennifer McClearen is a black belt who has taught martial arts since 2006 and self-defense since 2008. The fee is $20, total. IMA members register online under Special Interest . Non-members register via email to Anne Garrett.

Intro to Meditation
The contemplative practice of meditation has scientifically proven benefits for your body and mind, and the way you interact with and impact the world around you. During each week of this course, you will learn and practice a new method of meditation. The goal is to establish a regular meditation practice that works for you—a practical tool for a centered, peaceful, and enriching life. The class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 21-March 13 at 5:30-6:45 p.m. Fee is $54. Register online under Special Interest.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness is the practice of sustained focus, awareness of the present, self-exploration, and self-liberation with an accepting, open, and kind attitude. Practicing mindfulness can promote calmness, resilience, compassion, and expanded awareness. Scientific studies have shown decreased burnout, improved immunity, and improved athletic and academic performance. A course on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is being offered at the Intramural Activities building this quarter. One section will be offered on Tuesday mornings, January 21-March 11 from 7-9 a.m. and another section on Tuesday evenings, January 21-March 11 from 6-8:30 p.m. Both classes will meet for a retreat on March 8 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. This is offered at $120 as a benefit to faculty, staff, and students. Learn more about MBSR and the instructor, UW Medicine Professor Emeritus Dr. Richard Berger. Register online under Special Interest.



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