SAC minutes – 2013 December 3rd

Welcome (list any guests, take note of any reflections)
I. Jennie calls meeting to order and initiates roll call
II. Quorum not met for voting purposes
Consent Agenda (take note of approval of meeting agenda and minutes; briefly list any issues that come up)
I. Lin asks group to review agenda and approve of meeting flow.
II. Gary makes motion

Updates & Announcements (take note of any old business items, discussion items/ reports)
I. Emiko begins discussion on collective impact committee planning
a. 2 student volunteers to participate in a committee to plan how to move towards adopting collective impact having collaborative approach to address social problems. Goal to have school be leader in the field to have a collective impact and collaboration with students and staff.
b. Proposal to have seminars over next couple of quarters to plan out what program will look like. Emiko will send out message and further info. Susan inquires if program is across disciplines and Emiko confirms that it is across disciplines.
II. Genevieve mentions a paraplegic Olympian coming to UW to speak and seeking funding for part of the airfare for her. Lin explains funding request for this.
III. Jennie moves on to business items and reads protocol

Business Items:

I. SAC schedule for year- Lin pulled schedules of members and recommends SAC
meet wed night from 4:30-6. Fridays are second option. Lin recommends first
wed on month for meetings- Jan 8, Feb 2, mar 5; Lin will send out email to group
for voting approval.
II. Lin recommends Jan 31 or Feb 21 for winter event. Requests volunteer to act as
point person for event planning. Amie and Cassie volunteer. Voting email to
III. Group funding- Lin summarizes money available for disbursement and gives
summary of money spent so far. Lin recommends putting 2000 on hold for
student group events.

a. Each group would get 100 to spend and then they could request more.
Requires getting plan from groups to see how they will use money and if they
will not then give that money to other groups. No vote taken because quorum is not met.
b. Susan asks how a student group is formed, and Lin explains. Susan suggests
that students need to be made aware of new process to give them time to plan
and start their groups. Amie points out they can form groups at any time but
they just won’t get any money if they miss deadline.
c. Proposed date of Jan 15 for deadline for this process. Emiko says money will
be distributed based on group plans and that in addition to the base amount the
groups can request other monies if they have another planned event. Gary
points out that we require that they are asked also where they have sought
other funding in the community.
d. Amie recommends having a page of tips to find funding around campus for
group events.

Reports (Briefly and concisely take note of any important details related to reports)
I. Subcommittees –  Gina is rewriting requirements of committees and we will discuss at a later
II. Notes from last meeting will be approved in voting email.
III. Affiliate committees- Gary summarizes the following:
a. Hall health is looking for student to be on advisory council, for example.
b. Diversity forum looking for participants.
c. GPSS legislative agendas sent out for us to distribute to our cohorts for them
to look at and comment on if necessary.
d. Counseling Center has lamps to use for students, for example.
IV. BASW program committee

a.Lin discusses early admit programs
b. Topic to be discusses further when quorum is met
Comments, Concerns, and Acknowledgements (Include any presentation items presented or
discussed, items brought up to review, feedback relevant to agenda or meeting items, etc)
I. Lin discusses coffee breaks for last week of quarter for students- Tues and Fri in
the morning.

II. New program assistant in student services
III. Susan inquires on the process of placement for 2nd years because they are nervous about the unclear nature of the process.
a. Many questions about practicum placement and competitive positions. Looking for more communication from practicum placement office about process as a whole, especially competitive placements.
IV. Jennie asks if transparency is going to improve and suggests this will improve based on subcommittees, and Lin suggests we need to incorporate this into subcommittees.
Meeting Review (take note of member action commitments, future agenda items, any items related to evaluating meeting and or adjournment)
I. Funding allocations
II. Subcommittees
III. Next meeting Chantel will facilitate and Genevieve, Gary will note take.
IV. Amie calls for adjournment, Jennie seconds, meeting adjourned.


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