SAC Minutes – 2013 February 22nd

SAC Meeting 2/22/2013


Facilitator: Gina Mendoza

Minutes: Mikaela Harf


Facilitator at 3/15 meeting: Mikaela Harf and

Minutes at 3/15 meeting: Dane Olsen

Facilitator at 5/17 meeting: Dane Olsen

Minutes at 5/17 meeting: Chantel Johnson

1.      Introductions

2.      Budget Requests

a.       Update from Lin

                                                  i.      We are doing well on budget requests

                                                ii.      We receive around $5,000 per year and have currently spent around $3,500 (which is typical at this point in the year)

b.      Eating Disorder Awareness Week (Erin Harrop) Funding

                                                  i.      Request for $90; $75 for snacks and $15 for art supplies

                                                ii.      Motion approved and passed

c.       Funding for Cat Cunningham

                                                  i.      Requested $75 to attend workshop at Seattle University’s School of Law, but will not be presenting

                                                ii.      SAC discussion about funding for individual workshops

1.      Last year, SAC only gave money to large groups or presenting individuals

2.      Discussed other sources of conference/workshop funding and ways to disseminate knowledge about such funding

3.      There were concerns about how money is used and how rules/bylaws are established

4.      SS Budget vs. SS fees Budget

a.       The SS fees budget is for day students

5.      Suggestion to form subcommittee for SS fees budget and SS budget

a.       Chantel and Paloma volunteered? (Is this correct?)

                                              iii.      Motion denied, as conference already occurred

d.      Funding for graduation keynote speaker, Ramona Beltran (request by Cat Cunningham)

                                                  i.      $500 dollars

                                                ii.      Cat nominated Ramona, but the nomination is not finalized

                                              iii.      Students want to give Ramona a larger honorarium, as she Ramona lives out of state, to subsidize her travel expenses

                                              iv.      Motion tabled – will wait to vote until keynote requests are voted upon


3.      Cohort Reports

a.       Emiko’s suggestion

                                                  i.      We should focus on cross program issues

                                                ii.      If an issue has been brought to the attention of the program director, it does not need to be addressed in SAC

b.      BASW

                                                  i.      Did cohort check-in

                                                ii.      No issues (Is this correct?)

c.       Advanced Standing

                                                  i.      Issues with Intergroup Dialogue class

1.      Many students come from schools that did not have an IGD class

2.      There is a disconnect between students who have taken IGD and students who have not; professors contribute to this dichotomy

3.      IGD creates a bond between students – the students who have not taken IGD feel left out and targeted

4.      Suggestions

a.       Talk to professors

b.      ARWAG

c.       Perhaps make IGD a requirement for all students as ARWAG is not sufficient

                                                ii.      International students do not feel accepted or supported

1.      The experience of one student was highlighted

2.      She did not feel supported by either her practicum liaison or professor

3.      Also had an unfulfilling practicum experience; for example, she did not get assessment experience and had to perform chores for the agency

4.      Suggestions of who student should talk to :

a.       Ombudsman

b.      Program Director

c.       MSW program committee

d.      SS

d.      1st year EDP

                                                  i.      Class Schedule

1.      Difficult to have class nights switch quarterly

2.      Prefer T/TH schedule – provides more of a break

3.      Students also upset because they had planned on initial schedule for work

                                                ii.      501 concerns

1.      Students do not feel safe discussing topics in either 501 section

2.      Suggestions:

a.       Approach professor

b.      Talk to ombudsmen, program director, or SS

                                              iii.      Tuition increases

1.      Suggestions: This is being addressed by the budget planning committee

                                              iv.      Grading consistency

e.       2nd year EDP

                                                  i.      Electives

1.      Appreciate Student Services’ efforts, but still not equal to Day program

                                                ii.      Research Class

1.      Very difficult

2.      Not enough time in one quarter

                                              iii.      Competitive Practicum Resume

1.      Timing is inconvenient – there is already so much due at this part of the quarter

                                              iv.      Concentrations

1.      Problematic to have only 2 concentrations

                                                v.      Feeling that “nothing is a problem for day students”

f.       3rd year EDP

                                                  i.      EDP cohort is having a meeting on 2/23

                                                ii.      Videos for commencement

1.      Day students want to make videos, EDP cohort is pressed for time

                                              iii.      Social Work Resumes

1.      Career center does not have the correct format for social work resumes

2.      Suggestions

a.       Put correct social work resume on social work blog

b.      Provide the correct format to the career center

g.      1st year Day

                                                  i.      Had open cohort forum

                                                ii.      3 main issues

1.      Concentrations

a.       There is not enough information about concentrations to make an informed decision

2.      Communication

a.       There are too many emails and not enough information around certain areas

3.      Social justice accountability

a.       Program emphasizes social justice, but it is not happening in practice

b.      Suggestion: Talk to James DeLong

4.      Registration

a.       Students are not getting the classes they want

h.      2nd year Day

                                                  i.      Gender Neutral Bathroom

1.      Sign to lock door was removed

2.      However, this issue is not resolved as people still lock the bathroom door

3.      Day’s suggestion: take locks down

4.      Emiko noted that there are now requests to put the sign back up

5.      Discussion about why all of the bathrooms aren’t gender neutral?

a.       Various solutions suggested

6.      2 different discussions emerged: lock on the gender neutral bathroom vs. bathrooms in general

                                                ii.      SAC Structure

1.      Structure is difficult for new people to follow

2.      We need a better way to orient new people

3.      Suggestions

a.       Orientation packer

b.      Longer orientation meeting

c.       Revamp communication strategies

i.        PHD

                                                  i.      Thank you for funding applications

                                                ii.      Invitation to attend events on 4/18 and 4/19 can be found in the student mail slots

                                              iii.      Mentoring committee

                                              iv.      Confusion about role in SAC

1.      Hard to balance identity as a student vs. professor

2.      Will talk to Lin

4.      All School Social

a.       Social will be held during the EDP Friday in May (May 10th)

                                                  i.      Lin wanted to double check this – yes

b.      Bowling at the Hub building


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