SAC Minutes – 2013 January 11

SAC Meeting 1/11/13

Facilitator: Shelby Feliciano and Marie Loeb

Minutes: Gina Mendoza

Facilitator at the next meeting (2/22): Gina Mendoza

Minutes: Mikaela Harf

1. Introductions

2. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Molly and Susan) Budget Request:

A     Proposal to offer Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction courses

i       Susan has taken part in the discussion in the past and thinks that it will be helpful for students

ii      Refer to handout for details

iii     8 week class – once a week

iv     ~ start date: April 1st – evenings 6-8pm

v      Request for $500 would subsidize the cost of the program, students would still need to pay $50

1      Lin would be contributing $200 from another fund

2      They are also requesting money from the faculty council

vi     Depending on funds, and how many students were interested, that would dictate which SSW programs would participate

vii    SAC member asked if there would be an issue of movement, how adaptive would it be for persons with physical disabilities

B     Email Molly and Susan for follow up questions –  &

3. Budget Presentation – Vicki Anderson-Ellis

A     Sustainable academic planning (refer to PowerPoint handout)

B     We would need 2-3 reps to serve on the committee

C     Four goals

i       Setting the case for sustainable academic planning

1      Affects grad and undergrad population

2      “Reactive planning does not allow the school to innovate extensively …[mapping] out innovations and necessary resources” is needed to maintain excellence at the SSW

     Admin would like to “move the pendulum, so to speak, towards students and thus want more input on how the 20% should be spent

     Gives students a voice!

3      Transparency – students will be more aware of where funds are being allocated

4      How will this work? – SAC reps work with Faculty and Staff councils to lend their voice

ii      Discuss sustainable academic planning efforts at SSW

1      Hybrid approach

     Short term – FY14 immediate needs (enrollment planning for the fall; large revenue impact)

     Long term – FY15-FY17 sustainability (research, planning, etc., making sure funding is following goals)

2      Outcomes aligning with five stated SSW goals developed by the Dean

3      Factors in necessary elements of support for sustainable planning

     When making recommendations, keep in mind the following aspects:

     Appropriate numbers classroom and field faculty

     Appropriate staffing to support academic and research programs

     Appropriate facilities and technological capacities to keep a pace

iii     Action items needed by SAC

1      2-3 SAC members join ad hoc committee of faculty and staff both from Faculty Council and Staff Council

2      Members create and/or refine principles for sustainable planning

3      Weigh options for short term planning; help craft long term process to cover all areas of SSW planning starting F 2013-spring 2014

     The idea is to think of unique ways of increasing revenue, but most importantly how to spend that revenue sustainably

iv     Q&A – Comments

1      How would they reach students?

2      EDP Funding – there are more funding opportunities for tuition based students than there are for fee based program students

     Can more grants be provided for EDP students?

     EDP is 98% self-funded, however, they add money from the SSW as needed

     MSW programs are currently tied to the Board of Regents recommendations in regards to tuition/fee increases

3      What is the time commitment?

     4-5 times this quarter – 1-1 ½ hours per meeting

     Within the next two weeks, we must have student reps identified

4      Faculty are trying/working really hard to make students happy with goals, missions, and actions to keep us informed, as well as including students in decisions

5      Chairs! Estimated arrival – Feb. 5th

     Painting will also be completed in the basement!

D     Email Vicki for follow up questions –

4. Side Note – CSWA Reaccreditation Feb. 26th – need SAC members to be on student panel

5. Minutes

A     GPPS – They need a PhD and MSW rep.

i       Gary is interested in the position

1      If Gary can’t attend, tell the group of ahead of time and someone can go in his place

     Especially on voting days

B     Student Budget – Dean’s Team Representative

i       Getting together the principles must be done within the next 3-4 weeks

1      Marie will get started on this

ii      The subcommittee needs to complete the principles

iii     Lin will email for position nominations

6. Cohort Reports

A     Each cohort discusses issues within their cohorts

i       Meets as often as the SAC so about 2x/quarter

B     EDP 3rd year

i       A lot of people have graduated

ii      Schools of Social work class was really good

1      Day sponsored class

2      A lot of EDP students wanted to take it and usually they get waitlisted, but all of the people who waited got in. Made students really happy!

3      In the spring, the opportunity might come up again

iii     Michael – wanted to know if there was a possibility to meet with Tessa Evans-Campbell about reoccurring themes in the program

C     EDP 2nd year

i       The downstairs vending machine doesn’t have water!

1      New machine was added to the building

ii      Students upset about the Friday class session

1      They want to encourage the Faculty and Staff to take into account the student schedule when planning for classes

2      Hasn’t been clear in admissions about what the “weekend” cohort actually entails

D     EDP 1st year

i       Lots of people want to choose H/MH concentration, but the fact that it potentially won’t be offered during the evening is making people unhappy

1      Students don’t feel like their needs are being taken into consideration

ii      Students still complaining about not enough writing tutor hours – we need to figure out a way to effectively communicate to them that there are other resources outside of the SSW

E     PhD

i       Two applications for funding

ii      Mentoring – mentorship is needed; more formal

iii     Feeling isolated

iv     PhD social justice, mentoring, curriculum committees are starting up again

v      $4000 allocated for PhD speaker series

F     2nd year Day

i       Make sure there is a connection to SAC

ii      Important issues around the gender neutral bathroom

1      The locks on the doors

     There is a sign that instructs people to lock the outer lock – the sign makes people feel really uncomfortable

2      Proposing that all bathrooms become gender neutral

G    1st year Day

i       Feels the same about the gender neutral bathrooms

1      Potentially taking down the sign might help

ii      Advisors

1      They didn’t have access to advisors until Dec. 5th, so the support wasn’t there until the end of the quarter

     Lin takes the blame and is really sorry!

2      Students were really upset about it

     Lin is attempting to get the faculty advising committee to be more involved and what advising should actually look like

iii     Concerns about a professor harassing students

1      Students were appreciative of Admin support, but also frustrated about the lack of action done by Admin to fix the problem

     Action being taken, but students don’t believe it is enough

2      Safety issues

     Emiko will refer to program director/student services

3      Students were put in a basic stats course because the advanced course was already full? – Need clarification on this issue

H     Advanced Standing

i       Those in the H/MH concentration were having big issues with practicum sites

1      There weren’t enough options for sites that were related to their concentration

     They were really upset by this!

2      People came from out of state and now they are really disappointed

3      A big deal with the hours that they are required to complete, especially because some are trying to switch out of their sites into different locations

4      Are they saving spots for specific programs?

5      Lin is going to try to get a spot for Advanced Standing students on the Field Ed. Committee

I       BASW

i       Practicum issues

ii      Faculty advisor issues as well

7. Chris Grumm Social Change Seminar Budget Request

A     Money will cover fundraising and social change theory

B     March 1st

C     Consolidated 3 day program into 1 – social change empowerment

D     No formal budget request yet, but likely $2,000

E     Questions:

     What can we do for fundraising? Does SAC want to participate?

     SAC Funding – $500

     Part of the money for student scholarships

F     We will wait for more information via email from Shelby

8. DSM book signing?

     More clarification needed

9. Graduation speaker

A     Cornell West is really expensive

     Budget issue

     Who else would be available and affordable?

Action Items

     Gary will be the new MSW GPSS rep

     Marie will get started on the Student Budget principles

     Lin will be emailing SAC reps to see what committees people are interested in joining

     Emiko talking to Vicki about taking down the sign in the gender neutral bathrooms regarding the lock

     Dane is going to Field Education and will report back regarding issues brought up during meeting

     Lin will try to get a spot on Field Ed. Committee for Advanced Standing students

     Lin will set up a Doodle to figure out the meeting dates/times for SAC


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