SAC Minutes – 2013 March 15th

Facilitator: Michael Light & Sabrina Fields

Minutes: Gina Mendoza

Next Facilitator: Dane Olsen & ?

*Because a large amount of people were absent, we were unable to meet quorum to vote

I.       Starting with stepping back and doing some team building, orientation, and setting norms

o   Brainstormed a list of agreements on how we want to learn and share a space together – Norms (10-15 min max)

1.      Names and Confidentiality

·         Individuals vs. Structural

·         Considering the safety of others (in regards to cohort check-ins)

·         Creating a space where we are direct and honest

2.      Making a cohort report not turn into a discussion

·         Not necessarily needing a response, but rather just listening them moving to business after that

·         Clarifications?

·         Time limits on report backs

·         Considering, what is the purpose of the reports/discussion

3.      Take space and make space

·         One person talking at a time

·         Not allowing for people to talk over one another

4.      Constructive reporting

·         Are we coming up with solutions or just venting?

·         Try to be solution focused when reporting/discussing

5.      Co-facilitation

·         New member & old member – therefore, the burden of the way meetings are carried out do not fall onto one individual

6.      Hearing vs. Listening

*Motion to extend the time to 5 minutes by Gary – 2nd and approved


7.      “Righting” or “Fixing” reflex

·         Just listening rather than trying to “right” or “fix” the situation

8.      Respect roles and a Speakers list

·         Respecting the facilitator

·         Setting up a speakers list so that people are called upon from the facilitator’s list instead of randomly allowing people to talk

*Motion to have a discussion to add to the next meeting’s agenda à Co-facilitation and consistency of facilitators throughout the quarter?

o   How do we move on from here? What are our next steps?

1.      Putting everything down on paper, as well as potentially drafting something up to put on the following agenda

II.    Motion to approve minutes from last meeting/agenda for this meeting – Approved!

III.Business Items (20 min total, 10 min each)

o   Spring social

1.      Lin & Paloma brought up the issue around serving alcohol at events

2.      There are some people in the 1st year day cohort who felt that it was not a safe place to do that

3.      Michael wants to motion to not have alcohol at events

·         If there are a group of students who are concerned with this issue, then we need to honor that

4.      Motion to take an online vote to not provide alcohol at SAC – Approved

5.      Q – Are we going to provide an explanation? Or are we just going to say yes or no?

·         If some students are expressing it as a concern, it would be as simply saying that we are addressing that concern

·         Non-alcoholic beverages will still be provided

6.      Kayla mentioned that for students who are underage at the SSW events, it’s not inclusive and these students feel left out

7.      Michael will put out a voting catalyst survey to be completed before the next meeting

IV. SAC Funding Request

o   Christina wanted to get clarification about SAC Funding Requests for student to attend conferences – confused about whether we are doing it for individuals to attend the conference (conference fees) or whether it goes towards airfare/room&board/etc.?

o   We (as a school) benefit from sending people to attend and present at conferences

o   The discussion continued around funding a person who is presenting vs. someone who is just attending

1.      Also whether these funds are available to the public (i.e. SW student body) and whether they have access to these conference opportunities

2.      Additionally, there was an idea brought up about having a standard amount to fund a student (only if they’re presenting)

·         If attending, present something to the UW SSW when they return

o   Chantel & Gina will draft a proposal for these issues and have it ready for the next meeting – for review and voting purposes

*Motion to table because we don’t have quorum!

V.    Updates and Announcements

o   GPSS – Looking at Dean’s budget & discussing with cohorts whether it is something that we agree with

1.      The budget proposal that the Dean sent to the Provost

2.      The real proposed budget will be sent out by Emiko

3.      We need student input on this matter

o   All Gender Restroom

1.      Sent out an email to notify people NOT to lock the bathroom door

2.      It would be beneficial to have school wide dialogue about removing the lock, including facilitation of changes surrounding the bathroom, and communication about other information on the use of this space (i.e. not a prayer space? – can someone clarify this for me?)

o   Graduation

1.      Monday there will be a ballot for those nominated

2.      Nominations end tonight

3.      We need SAC members to do cohort presentations

4.      Mahogany will be the person to contact

o   SAC Canvas options

1.      A space to post minutes, access to essential documents, etc.

2.      Somewhere to post SAC related stuff!

o   Subcommittee Reports

1.      Community Outreach

·         Potentially can be looped into the Communication committee

·         Getting things written up and posted somewhere – is this correct?

2.      Programs & Planning (Social events)

·         In the spring, these events are usually held offsite

·         Provides a space for students to engage with one another

3.      Michael will send out a description of committees and provide a space for questions

4.      Communication

·         Feedback from students and representation

·         Getting info from students

·         Acts as a space for movement towards getting students issues out there

5.      By-laws

·         Things that come up in meetings, this group brings up a proposal to add/take away from the by-laws (sorry if this is super jumbled, I would love for anyone to add input here!)

6.      Social Committee?

·         Needs to meet to plan the spring event

7.      Strategic Planning and Budgeting

·         Transparency is the key issue at this point, and we are working with getting materials distributed to SAC members

·         Emiko will send out the PowerPoint so we can share to students

8.      Social Justice Committee

·         Trying to figure out how to recruit people into the committee – right now only consists of Paloma and James DeLong

9.      Program Committee

·         BASW – Kayla

o   Social change institute (institute to serve the entire campus)

·         Getting a lot more feedback to the MSW Program Committee

·         Feedback for creating accessible environment for international students

·         Motion to look more broadly about social justice

o   Creating a space for shared resources

o   Feedback about 504 curriculum

·         Student presented paper about professional identity within SSW and finding a space

·         Class sizes

·         Research classes

o   Revising the syllabus and structure of these course (505 & 506)

10.   Practicum Ad. Council

·         Email sent out from Staci with more information on that

·         Ad. Standing student was placed onto the committee!

11.   Comments, Concerns, Acknowledgments

·         A space for people to bring forward concerns from the cohorts

·         Acknowledging Emiko for her work in the Gender bathrooms; continue a campus wide discussion

·         Concentration limitations

o   The days that they are scheduled

o   More access to concentration in EDP

·         Accessible mental health services

o   UW doesn’t really offer a space for continuous mental health care

o   A mental health support person other than an advisor would be beneficial to a large number of students

o   We plan to bring it up to the Program committee!

o   Mahogany had compiled a list of resources for mental health support

§  She can resend that out with updates

§  Gina is willing to help

o   This is a cross-cohort item

o   Mahogany is wondering how students would feel about group therapy?

o   Any type of service might help – perhaps contacting/inviting NASW, larger organizations, etc. to potentially provide these services?

o   Graduated students who need hours for licensure – this might be an option

o   Possibly having a licensed supervisor to do supervising here on campus for those who have graduated to be able to provide mental health support for SW students

·         Resumes/Cover letter resources resolved and completed




1.      Will vote for the issue around serving alcohol at events

o   Michael

1.      Voting online for the alcohol issue

2.      Bringing up mental health issue at the program committee

3.      Updates for committee descriptions

o   Marie

1.      Graduation stuff

o   Sabrina

1.      Working on By Laws

o   Chantel

1.      SAC Funding for conference fees proposal

o   Paloma

1.      Recruitment for Social Justice Committee

o   Kris

1.      Checking in about dialogue regarding all gender bathroom

o   Lin

1.      Graduation related stuff

2.      Canvas site launch

3.      Funding procedures – not sure what this was about…clarification anyone?

o   Emiko

1.      Powerpoint from Budget 101 to students

2.      Dean’s Budget Proposal

3.      All Gender Bathroom

o   Gary

1.      Budget & GPSS Narrative

o   Mahogany

1.      Update therapy list

2.      Grad committee

o   Gina

1.      Program committee – mental health resources

2.      SAC Funding for conference fees proposal

VII.                      Agenda Building

o   Funding policy/proposal and voting on it

o   SAC request voting

o   Update on committees

o   The alcohol at events vote

o   Selecting co-chairs for following meeting

o   Norm list follow up

o   Gender Neutral Bathroom


VIII.                   Feedback from this meeting

o   Everyone is AWESOME

o   Solution focused

o   Enjoyed time limits on each business item and reports


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