SAC Minutes – 2013 May 17th

SAC MEETING                                                                05/17/2013

Co-Facilitator: Kris & Marie

Minutes first-half: Alisa

Minutes second-half: Mikaela

Attendance: Patty, Kris, Micaela O., Lin, Paloma, Alisa, Staci, Mikaela H., Michael, Marie, Gina, Dane, Cassie, Miriam, Christina

1.       Welcoming & Introduction:

a.      Members welcomed Cassie Hunter to SAC and introduced self. Lin explained that Cassie will be replacing Katie’s position.

2.      Consent Agenda:

a.      Members had to clarify what to do with SAC members who are enlisted, but not attending meetings—we need 60% of participation to meet quorum. Participation has been an ongoing issue for us not being able to vote.

                                                              i.      However, rule is to have majority votes; due to members who will not continue to participate in SAC next year and members who are enlisted and not currently participating, we will now change quorum to 51% to be considered as majority votes.

b.      Members discussed if we can consent agenda without quorum. Confirmed that minutes in the past 2 meetings have been approved by agenda.

3.      Updates & Announcement:

a.      Item 1: Katie’s replacement

                                                              i.      Katie can no longer participate in SAC. Katie has elected Cassie to be her replacement from now on.

b.      Item 2: Michael

                                                              i.      Michael gave a farewell to everyone and discussed committee membership.

                                                            ii.      Attached in the agenda is a list of SAC members and their priority in the sub-committees. Michael encouraged sub-committees to get together to meet before year ends and continuing SAC members to lead group. 

c.       Item 3: Graduation-Lin

                                                              i.      Lin announced that the Graduation keynote speaker will be Naomi Tutu. Faculty will be announcing this Monday afternoon.

                                                            ii.      Lin encouraged members to send quotes to Student Services.

                                                          iii.      Lin asked for volunteers who can table in the gallery to meet with co-hort and teach each other how to hood one another for graduation. Kelly in student services can meet with you for about 10 minutes to show you how to do it prior to tabling.
Volunteers: Kris, Gina, Alisa, Staci

d.      Item #4: Presnters- N/A

4.      Business items

a.      Item #1: Lin to gather feedback from group on behalf of Emiko

                                                              i.      There’s a movement for a smoke –free campus. Emiko would like to get member’s feedback. Attached to agenda is more about the initiative. Does the SAC support the adoption of the 100% smoke and tobacco free uw campus?

b.      Item #2: Paloma discussion/clarification on group norms

                                                              i.      Paloma requested for SAC members to please review and see if the group norms sounds right. If there is anything that members feel uncomfortable with, please contact Paloma to let her know. She would appreciate your feedback.

1.       Attending SAC members are appreciative of Paloma’s efforts. Thanks!

                                                            ii.      Item #3: All- consensus or vote- to discuss management of facilitator/notetaker responsibilities.

1.       Micaela is working on the “management of facilitation” template. She is hoping to have the template soon and will post it on Canvas. Postponing rest of this discussion with continuing SAC members.

                                                          iii.       Item #4: Gina: Meeting for continuing SAC members to plan next year.

1.       Gina suggested that continuing members should meet after school finals are over. Continuing members will have to discuss the following:

a.      Packet for new SAC members

b.      Accountability regarding participating and coming to meetings so things could proceed and work.

c.       Discussion on rules—what to do when members miss more than 2 meetings?

2.      Gina will send out Doodle for continuing members to set-up meeting date.

                                                          iv.      Item 5: All- Proposal to reduce quorum from 60% to 51%

1.       Proposal of reducing quorum passed. Majority votes= 51%

a.      Member motioned to reduce quorum. Voted. Passed!

2.      Do we use speakers list?

a.      Members agreed that we will use speakers list if more than 1 member find topic interesting. Will continue to discuss this.

                                                            v.      Item 6: Lin- Funding: Student group funding and travel funding proposal.

1.       What to do with late requests?

a.      Continuing SAC members will allocate funding for SW groups during the first SAC meeting.

2.      What to do if a new SW group is established and needs funding?

a.      SAC members will set aside funding for this.

3.      What to do with EDP requests?

a.      Funding for EDP students going to conferences?

                                                                                                                                      i.      Lin will work on this and will continue this discussion in Autumn.

4.      Budget talk: Maybe beginning of year members can establish what our budget is. Lin confirmed that it’s usually $5000.00 a year and that we are “in-line with that for this year.” Lin proposed that we can proceed to vote in autumn.

5.      Member suggested that we should communicate with student body of how SAC members operate so student body understand where and how $$ is allocated. Will continue this in Autum.



          Subcommittee and Committee Reports

o   Communications

§  Nothing to report

o   Rules/By-laws

§  Nothing to report

o   Community Outreach

§  Nothing to report

o   Program and Planning (Social Committee)

§  Discussion about SSW Social

·        Poor turnout

·        We did not discuss accessibility when planning the event at a bowling alley; this made some people feel reluctant to attend.

·        Solutions

o   Creating more accessible events

o   Idea of framing

§  We should make it about “socializing” not partaking in a specific activity


o   Gary was not present


o   Nothing to report

          MSW Program Committee

o   Discussion about concentrations (I was a little confused here)

§  Surverying and need to reexamine existing concentrations

o   Electives

§  Need to prioritize electives as a group

o   SSW Prerequisites

§  Need to make prerequisites more clear to students

§  Perhaps make admission contingent upon prerequisites as opposed to pushing requirements until 2nd year of program

o   Next meeting is 6/6 from 12:30 to 2:30

          Social Justice Committee

o   Faculty council wants to examine what social justice actually means

o   Discussion about grading consistency

o   Planning a retreat for students of color

o   Plans to create a survey to gather student feedback on microagression and oppression within the classroom

§  Committee will share results with faculty

          PHD Program Committee

o   Michael Reisch event was a success

o   Thank you to SAC for the $500 in funding

          Practicum Advisory Council

o   Discussion about the purpose of the Practicum Advisory Council

o   Does not seem as though the council is the forum to address concerns with practicum; practicum office is courteous, but not exactly receptive of critiques

o   Several critiques of practicum department

§  Students are reluctant to talk to practicum department

§  Practicum placement tends to be unfair and disproportional

§  We (as students) need to be able to evaluate the actual practicum office – not just practicum sites

§  There has been several efforts in the past to bring these concerns to the attention of the practicum office, but with little success

o   Future action

§  Need to have a subsequent meeting

§  Ask practicum office to help us design a survey to get student feedback (it could be advantageous to include the practicum office)


o   BASW

§  Discussion about how relevant SAC is to BASW students

§  We need to do more outreach to and make more connections with BASW students

o   No other Cohort reports

Comments, Concerns, and Acknowledgments

          Lin will be sending out a request for volunteers at the fall orientation

          Susan, Stacy, and Patty will work on advising task force with Lin

o   Will likely be two to three meetings

o   Would like to convene soon, before end of the year

          Gina will send out an email about meeting for continuing SAC members

          Talk about holding SAC elections earlier

Meeting Review


o   Will create a Facebook group to keep current SAC and SAC alumni in contact

o   Contact Linda regarding BASW outreach

o   Make Doodle for continuing SAC member meeting


o   Send out subcommittee emails

o   Second half of minutes


o   Send out first half of minutes


o   Send out minutes taking tool


o   Practicum office information?


o   Advising task force

o   Elections during summer

o   Funding proposal over summer

o   SAC website skeleton

o   Contact graduation ambassadors

o   Add Cassie to SAC Canvas page

o   Find out more about practicum process

o   Contact Jenn to make sure practicum office is at feedback session

          April minutes were approved


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