SAC Minutes – 2013 November 15th

Welcome (list any guests, take note of any reflections)
I. Welcomed after doing an ice breaker
II. Amie taking notes 1st half of meeting, Jennie 2nd half
Consent Agenda (take note of approval of meeting agenda and minutes, briefly list any issues
that come up)

  • I. Motion to approve minutes from last meeting – 9/6, Stephen motioned, Gina seconded, 4 yays, 0 nays, 9 abstentions – the minutes were approved
  • II. Proposal to approve new membership numbers – was voted for online and passed with 60%, information on the new numbers are up on Canvas

Updates & Announcements (take note of any old business items, discussion items/ reports)
I. nope
Business Items (Briefly and concisely take note of action items)

I. Annual update of group norms: in binder, under procedures. Hopefully you’ve had
chance to look through or skim. If want to add or change, space to do so. Give an
example of what has been done in past. Overarching idea is based upon respect. Always
keep in mind when having our conversations. Things may become heated, and if they do
come up, important to respect. Lin: one thing that came up last year is how open this
group talks, and how to maintain confidentiality and trust. Emphasis on results more than
details. Stephen: one of the take space and make space stemmed from last year, keep in
mind how much we are talking. This is supposed to be a representation of all, keep in
mind how much you are speaking. Gary: Maintains that he can suspend what he thinks so
that he can adequately reflect the wishes of his cohort. Susan: there is a time separate
from this meeting where we can get together with our cohort and bring these notes to
their attention. Lin: Time suck around cohort report – important to keep it informational,
my cohort is doing this, would like to do this, would like to add this etc. Jennie move to
accept group norms, Candace second. All Yays.
II. SAC schedule for the year. Want to bring to the group the idea of keeping the Fridays:
Gen mentions opening up a Doodle. Lin: asks how many EDP Weekend are represented,
Gina motions to table voting on tentative dates until we get feedback from other voting
members, Jennie second. Jamaal, Gary and Susan going to contact individuals who were
not here today. Lin will collect the votes from other people.
III. Winter Social Event: Debate over when it was – do we want an event? Usually 1-3
events per year. Move social to Jan – table the winter social date decision.
IV. Frustration around subcommittees not meeting and lack of accountability. Review of
responsibilities for subcommittees. SAC students can’t be keepers of financial. Soc.
Justice and practicum subcommittees are brand new committees being proposed.
Suggested that social justice liaison is all that’s necessary. Practicum committee may be
most necessary addition.
a. Gina motions to have first bylaws and social planning committee approved, Joe
b. Candace moves to have social justice be a liaison position, Stephan seconds.
c. Amie moves for practicum subcommittee to be created, Candace seconds.
V. Lin introduces the Draft page for budget subcommittee, addresses where money is
pooled from (Student Services fees, different for EDP), what money is for, reminds of the
recent approval change from $15 to $150, talks about difficulty in approving funds when
we don’t have quorum. $100 base funding proposal. Lin would like subcommittee to
work on travel funding. Lin proposes trying to make EDP, DAY and BASW funding
distribution requirement/qualifications i.e. subcommittee to help determine travel request.
Emiko brings up subcommittee’s responsibility to advise the school on SSW budget.
a. Charlie motions to create budget subcommittee that both creates budget within
year to propose to SAC, creates travel funding process, and may work on the
overall social work budget advisory committee, Stephan seconds.
Reports (Briefly and concisely take note of any important details related to reports)
I. Gary: transportation/GPSS – couple things to get involved. Mental health and sexual
assault (on campus/extension of campus), and other things. Requests replies back. Linda
Ruffer – EDP needs to figure out how/what to do for graduation. Each cohort gets 3-5
minutes to do something. Start thinking about planning if you are graduating.
II. Gina: program committee stuff; at last program committee talked about Jenn Stuber
(sp?), discussion about licensure and suicide prevention class and where to include in
program model. Consensus to place in 523, which would qualify and be included in (add
to) our practicum hours. This year, suicide prevention course offered on voluntary basis.
Including the course in 523 will already start Spring quarter.
Comments, Concerns, and Acknowledgements (Include any presentation items presented or
discussed, items brought up to review, feedback relevant to agenda or meeting items, etc)
I. Gary – thanks to everybody.
II. Miriam: requests new notetakers, facilitators, etc. Stephan and Jennie facilitate next
meeting. Candace/Joe for next notetakers. Gina and Didi notes for January. Personal
commitments around the room mentioned.
a. Gina: updating bylaws and create poll for subcommittee.
b. Emiko: will help with practicum subcommittee.
Meeting Review (take note of member action commitments, future agenda items, any items
related to evaluating meeting and or adjournment)
I. Meeting adjourned.


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