SAC minutes – 2013 September 6


I.                          Thank you to everyone who could attend this meeting – and a special thanks to Paloma for creating our agenda

II.                       Those in attendance:

·         Lin

·         Emiko

·         Paloma

·         Chantel

·         Miriam

·         Susan

·         Cassie

·         Gina

Consent Agenda

I.                   Agenda was not voted on – there was an overall consensus of items listed in the agenda

II.                Agenda items included:

a.       Planning for SAC New Member Orientation

b.      Elections for Advanced Standing, Day, and EDP

c.       SAC Canvas Site Organization Update

d.      SAC Calendar

e.       Proposal to change subcommittees

f.       From July Meeting

Updates & Announcements

I.                   Club Days (Oct. 18th) – SEE BELOW

Business Items

I.                   Planning for New Member Orientation

a.       Susan and Chantel (with Lin’s assistance) will be putting together the folder materials

b.      Lin was able to find 17 binders for incoming SAC members

c.       Have a “point person” – Susan & ?

d.      The first official SAC meeting with new members will be on Nov. 15th – will include:

                                                                          i.      An hour of orientation

                                                                        ii.      Addressing norms and team building

                                                                      iii.      Setting committees

                                                                      iv.      Discussing funding and calendar setting

e.       Folders will include

                                                                          i.      Name, cohort, and contact information

                                                                        ii.      Staff/Faculty Contact Information

                                                                      iii.      Bylaws

                                                                      iv.      Norms/Guidelines

                                                                        v.      Robert’s Rules Cheat Sheet

                                                                      vi.      Facilitation Key Points – Article?

                                                                    vii.      Funding Information

                                                                  viii.      Templates for Notes/Agenda – as well as directions on where to find these materials on CANVAS

                                                                      ix.      Calendars – Annual with student services information and SAC events/meetings

                                                                        x.      Who to go to for…? (the info sheet distributed at orientation?)

                                                                      xi.      Directions on how to login for Catalyst/Canvas

                                                                    xii.      Email list serves

                                                                  xiii.      ??

II.                Elections – will be organized by Miriam and Gina with guidance from Lin (and anyone else who wants to join)

a.       Begin by having a “Club Day” social (Oct. 18th) (Gina and Chantel)

                                                                          i.      Will provide students an opportunity to become aware of what groups are on campus

                                                                        ii.      SSW groups will have an opportunity to recruit more members

                                                                      iii.      SAC will have an opportunity for distributing information to students about SAC, as well as meeting potential members

                                                                      iv.      An opportunity for students to learn how to create a group of their own

b.      Election Nominations in by October 25th

c.       Paragraph submissions by October 28th

d.      Vote by November 4th

e.       First meeting by November 15th

III.             Canvas Site Organization

a.       Paloma is amazing for taking the time to organize the canvas site!

b.      Everyone take a moment to look over the site and give feedback or modify as needed

c.       Until the subcommittee takes over responsibilities of updating, Paloma and Lin will continue to update Canvas and the calendar

IV.             SAC Calendar – Will be updated and maintained by Paloma and Lin until subcommittee responsibilities occur

V.                Proposal to change subcommittees of SAC – Paloma

a.       From July discussion, the way that subcommittees function within SAC would change

b.      The combining of different subcommittees to be more cohesive

c.       A good way to hold subcommittees and individuals accountable for their work and contributions to SAC

d.      Need to include an extra paragraph about goals and expectations of each subcommittee

e.       Paloma will see if we can make this a shared document on Canvas so that we can all contribute ideas, otherwise, document will be shared on Google Drive

f.       Provide feedback or revision to Paloma by Septmeber 30th

g.      Action MUST be taken before New Member Orientation

VI.             July Meeting discussion


Comments, Concerns, and Acknowledgements

I.                   Changing #’s in our bylaws for members (smaller group) – July discussion


Meeting Review

I.                   Action Items

a.       Elections – Miriam and Gina

b.      Point person for incoming members – Susan

c.       Orientation and Folders – Susan and Chantel

d.      SAC Calendar – Lin and Paloma

e.       Canvas updates – Paloma

f.       Proposal to change Subcommittees – Paloma

                                                                          i.      Feedback from EVERYONE by September 30th

g.      Proposal for Bylaws revision on # of ppl per cohort – Chantel

h.      Figuring out who is remaining on SAC – Gina


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