SAC minutes – 2014 February 5th


Date: February 5th, 2014

*Meeting called to order @ 4:45pm*

Facilitator: Charlie Doyle                                                               Note Taker: Miriam Valdovinos

Attendance: 10 members present, (10 members needed for quorum)


Genevieve Huard

Jennifer Ketcham

Miriam Valdovinos

Gary Hothi

Charlie Doyle

Jamaal Magee

Cassie Hunter

Lin Murdock

Joe Herbert

Amie Shipley

Emiko Tajima

Jasmine Ili


Consent Agenda (take note of approval of meeting agenda and minutes, briefly list any issues)

I.                   December 2013 notes approved (Charlie motioned, Genevieve second: 9 Yes, 1 Abstain)

II.                January 2014 notes approved (Gary motioned, Joe second: 10 Yes)

Updates & Announcements (take note of any old business items, discussion items/ reports)

I.                   Collective Impact: School-wide event postponed until Dean Uehara is available. She is currently out due to illness. In the meantime, Emiko will meet with the interested SAC members next Thursday (2/13/14) to discuss further SAC involvement in the initiative.  

II.                Practicum Support Group: Jamal mentioned about this group and how we can get involved as SAC members. Jennie requested to include EDP 1st years in conversation. Amie also shared some of the information she is aware of but at this point we need to follow-up to see how SAC members may be involved or support.

Business Items (Briefly and concisely take note of action items)

I.                   Review of Winter Social Event: Over 100 valentine cards were made for UW medical services. SAC members that participated in the event described it as a good event and successful. We estimated that 40-45 people (across cohort representation) attended throughout the evening. It was great to have an art activity to do. The yoga class was also well attended (about 12 people participated) and this also brought up the conversation of possibly having a regular yoga class at SSW for students to participate as a form of self-care and community-building. Suggestion was made that communication for future events needs to be more organized because the email communications were hard to keep track off. Kudos to the entire group that helped coordinate and organize the event.

II.                Student Group Funding: (Procedures and Travel Funding still need to be discussed) Charlie and Lin lead conversation about either setting a task force or small work group to revisit procedures or if we have a committee to review requests before we meet so applications are thoroughly screened. Emiko reminded us of our conversation about developing a more detailed information guide for groups requesting funding for student events (Jennie K. & Charlie D. volunteered to help- by March 2014 meeting have a brainstorm of what things need to be included.)

III.             Funding- Gerontology Group Request: Consideration given that they are applying to other funding sources across campus- Jamaal reminded us of our conversation at last meeting about being consistent and fair with giving the same amount for guest speaker honorariums- Amie provided point of clarification.

Motion by Jennie to approve Gerontology student group $150 for guest speaker honorarium, Jamaal seconded, Vote: 10 Yes- PASSED

Lin will revisit with the student group once they meet with GPSS and/or ASUW in case they need more funds and she can either provide it from her budget.

IV.             Spring Social Event Brainstorm and Date: Gary will help initiate or begin coordinating and bowling is still a consideration [Yoga consideration since it was such a great turnout and interested in having it more regularly.]

V.                Spring mtg schedule: preliminary discussion- How is Wednesday working vs. going back to Friday- a couple EDP reps are concerned that they are not able to attend on Wednesday- if we do Fridays, 3 SAC members would not be able to attend. Lin will look at spring schedules (after registration) to see if there are other times that work with our schedules. Based on those present, there is a stronger preference to stay with Wednesday afternoons as long as we finish on time because EDP evening class begins at 6pm on Wednesdays.

VI.             Practicum Labor Issues: Emiko shared about ongoing conversations reforming structure of practicum (most practicums are unpaid- raising question of civil rights protections of interns). Miriam mentioned the online petition started by SSW students to meet with the dean to discuss these issues. Emiko mentioned she will seek clarification of where money for practicum credit goes and also laws of intern protections. As a group we discussed SAC representation at school-wide meetings with administration. We also had a discussion about paid and unpaid practicums, power and privilege, working with marginalized and oppressed groups, different practicum experiences, current job market dynamics, and value of social welfare labor. Emiko will send out date for a school-wide meeting/town hall.

Reports (Briefly and concisely take note of any important details related to reports)

I.                   Sub-committees: No reports

We need a list of who is on what committee. Lin will follow-up with Gina about the list that was started so we can recall our interests and what committees we were signed up for.

II.                Affiliate Committees:

A.    GPSS- Gary shared that lobby day for UW students “Huskies on the Hill” is tomorrow (2/6/14). He encouraged us to stay informed on the legislative priorities for UW students. Also announced the GPSS valentine’s social on 2/13/14- we are all invited.

B.     BASW program committee- Charlie shared that the program is considering an “early entry” program where sophomores are able to begin the program a year early. The program is also working on an honors program that would include opportunities for research at the undergraduate level. The steering committee is working on guidelines of what this program would entail.

C.     MSW program committee- Emiko shared that the foundation practice and research sequences are currently being reviewed with the intent of revising the curriculum for future cohorts. There is also an ongoing conversation to have more inclusion of diversity and disability-related topics in the coursework. Lin reminded the group to announce to their cohorts about the sign-ups for the suicide assessment courses. The license after taking the course is WA state certified and valid for 6 years. There is talk about including BASWs, but at the moment MSWs may begin to sign-up.  

D.    PhD program committee- Miriam shared that PhD program applications are being reviewed. The school received about 67-69 applications this year.

E.     SSW social justice committee- No report or update

F.      Practicum advisory council- Charlie mentioned they are meeting with P.I. but there is also a second committee being formed to address the internal processes. Emiko announced the online training program for field instructors is in the process of being launched. This new training program will allow for field instructors to participate in trainings without having to travel from their sites to campus.   

Comments, Concerns, and Acknowledgements (Include any presentation items presented or discussed, items brought up to review, feedback relevant to agenda or meeting items, etc)

I.                   Kudos to all that helped with the winter social event!! Yoga instructor was provided with a thank you gift (Starbucks card).

II.                EDP cohorts are wondering if scheduling of classes may be switched to Tuesdays and Thursdays rather than Tuesday & Wednesday. Back to back class times make it difficult to prepare for classes and it also constraints family commitments.

III.             Jennie announced the school of medicine is holding a service learning summit that SSW may be interested to participate as well.

Meeting Review (take note of member action commitments, future agenda items, any items related to evaluating meeting and or adjournment)

I.                   Next meeting is March 5th in room 116 (4:30-5:50pm)- Amie and Gary will facilitate, Jasmine will take notes.

SAC group agreements

Lin will connect with the Gerontology student group about their approved $150 funding amount; check with Gina about the SAC committee list; connect with Genevieve (and Jennie?) about a potential yoga instructor for future classes or events; connect with field instructors

Emiko will follow-up with the group about collective impact (CI) and practicum labor issues; send us the information for the dates that practicum labor issue town hall meetings will be held

Charlie will work on OSSW resources list; attend CI meeting; work with Jennie on a brainstorm about a funding taskforce or committee

Jennie will attend CI meeting; work with Charlie on a brainstorm about funding taskforce/committee; continue conversation with Lin about yoga class in SSW

Gary will co-facilitate the planning of the spring social event

Joe will work with Gary on planning the spring social event

Genevieve will connect with Lin about potential yoga instructor for SSW yoga class; assist with planning the spring social event

Amie will co-facilitate next meeting; check in with practicum support group about more information

Jamaal will hold a lunch session with his cohort to communicate the various issues we discussed in meeting and to get input from his cohort

Cassie will attend the CI meeting with Emiko, Charlie and Jennie

Jasmine will take minutes at next meeting; update the FB page for her cohort (advanced standing) about information shared at our SAC meeting

Miriam will prepare minutes for all to review; re-organize minutes folder on Canvas to move approved meetings; help with food ordering/purchasing/shopping etc. for spring social event

*Meeting adjourned @ 5:55pm* (Jamal motioned, Joe seconded)


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