NIH-Funded Summer Research Program in Georgia – Health Disparities – 12/1/14

The initiative is a 6-week summer program at Georgia Southern University hosted by the Rural Health Research Institute and funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The initiative, called DESRE (Disparities Elimination Summer Research Experience), is a paid, hands-on research experience for undergraduate and graduate students.  During the program, students engage in cutting-edge rural health disparities research and receive training in the unique factors associated with addressing health disparities. Students work with and learn from a team of experienced faculty researchers from both Georgia Southern University and Mercer University.

The deadline is December 1st, 2014. 

The website to learn more about the program and access the application is:

Please contact me, Janie Wilson, with any questions or for more information about the program.



Janie H. Wilson, PhD

DESRE Coordinator

Rural Health Research Institute


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