Resume Writing for Social Workers Workshop Wed,Nov. 5th 5:10 PM

Resume Writing for Social Workers Workshop

Register for Resume Writing for Social Workers Workshop

             When:                Wednesday, November 5th 5:10-5:50 PM (40 minutes)
             Where:               School of Social Work (please register for room location)
             Presenter:          Lynnea Erickson, PhD, Senior Counselor, UW Career
             Who:                  MSW and BSW students

When was the last time you looked at your resume? Are you wondeirng how best to incorpate your social work practicum experiences and coursework into a competitive resume that will capture the attention of employers? Lynnea Erikson, Ph.D., of the UW Career Center will explain how you can edit the content and format of your resume to make it work for you!


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