Are you interested in the ACA?

Are you interested in learning more about the Affordable Care Act? Do you have questions about how insurance works, or how the ACA
impacts you or your family/friends? Or, do you want to engage more deeply in ACA work and help underserved populations access coverage?
If so, the ACA Access, Education, and Advocacy Team is here for you, and we have some exciting events coming up. Students of ALL
backgrounds are welcome!!

Monday, Nov. 24th from 5-7pm
Location: To be confirmed ASAP — a follow up email will be sent to those who RSVP!

Come learn about the ACA! Professionals from the nonprofit organization WithinReach will be here to provide an interactive training
that will introduce you to the Affordable Care Act and basic eligibility, coverage, and enrollment policies, as well as clear up
questions about health insurance in general. This is a great event to attend no matter how involved you hope to be with our
organization, and definitely bring any friends who might be interested in the topic!
To help us plan for food and materials, please RSVP at the link below: []
Also, feel free to email us if you have a specific question that you’d like to get answered. For those who are interested in getting
more involved with our campaign, we will also discuss upcoming opportunities to share your ACA knowledge within the UW community, and
to help uninsured and underinsured people gain access to medical coverage through collaboration with WithinReach and local free

(In collaboration with Public Health Seattle – King County)
Saturday, Dec. 6th from 11am-3pm (we may end up having 2 shifts)
Seattle Central Public Library – 1000 4th Ave, Seattle WA 98104

Come see the ACA enrollment process in action at this large community event! You will provide support to professional IPAs (In-Person
Assisters) as they work with clients hoping to enroll in various health insurance options. In addition, you will be able to get your
feet wet by working with clients to review required documents and troubleshoot technical difficulties. Carpooling will be available and
this should be a very fun, educational, and meaningful event!

**NOTE: Attendance at the kick-off is mandatory if you are interested in volunteering at the ACA Enrollment Event. Sign-ups will be
available at the kick-off. If you have an unavoidable conflict, please let us know ASAP.**

We are so excited to get started with this initiative, and can’t wait to see you at the kick-off! Please RSVP and let us know if you
have any questions, requests, or ideas 🙂

– Stephanie, Mira, and Ashwin


Lin Murdock

Director of Student Services

UW School of Social Work

UW Box 354900



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