GH/HSERV 544 Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries (3 credits)

WIN Quarter
T, Th 9-10:20
Room I 132
Class size is limited to 30 (Health Services and Global Health graduate students may enroll without instructor permission; others may request an add code from the instructor)

This is a great class for those who plan to work in or learn more about practical approaches to improve maternal and child
health in resource limited settings.

The course utilizes lectures as well as interactive teaching methods—small group work and in-class exercises and discussions—to
·         Critical health problems of women and children in social, economic, and cultural contexts
·         Programmatic interventions and practical strategies that respond to those problems
·         MCH proposal development, community involvement and program implementation and management.

While the course is particularly designed for graduate students who have had some exposure to living and working conditions in
resource limited settings, such experience is not required.

This course is required for the Global Women, Adolescents, and Children Health Certificate Program and one of three courses
that can serve as a requirement for the Global Health Certificate. It is an elective for the Global Health MPH and Certificate
in HIV & STI’s.

For more information please see:
For questions or to request an add code please contact: Donna Denno,, Course instructor.


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