NMETH 590A: Interpretive Methods – Soc W 506 substitution

For students who still need Soc W 506 (either took 505 but not 506 last year or waived out of 505), this course will work as a Soc W 506 substitution.  If you want to use it as such, you must email Lin at AFTER you are registered for it so she can pull it into your degree audit.

NMETH 590A: Special Topics: Qualitative Methods: Interpretative Methods
4 credit course in the Winter 2015, Tuesdays 8:30-11:20 am
Health Science Bldg, HST T474

Email if you are interested in the course next quarter.

Appraise multiple methodological qualitative perspectives. Analyze methodological principles and methods across a range of interpretive research approaches. Identify research design, dissemination, and ethical concerns with each interpretive approach.

Approaches include:

• storytelling – traditional and digital
• document, media, and digital text analysis
• multiple case study design
• grounded theory
• ethnography
• discourse analysis
• phenomenology
• narrative analysis
• policy discourse analysis
• content analysis

1. Distinguish among selected interpretive traditions in terms of each tradition’s guiding assumptions, research strategies, and methods.
2. Design a qualitative study within an established tradition of inquiry.
3. Describe all phases of a qualitative study, including entry into the site, data collection, data analysis, and the reporting of research results in both written and oral form.
4. Identify ethical and moral issues in the conduct of studies related to health.

Doris M. Boutain, PhD, RN
Associate Professor
Psychosocial and Community Health
University of Washington School of Nursing
Voice Mail: 206 543-9769



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