UCONJ 624: Health Equity & Community Organizing (1cr)

Hello students,

  • Do you see something in your community you wish was different?
  • Do you want to help change the system?
  • Are you ready to take action?

Join experienced Sound Alliance community organizers and students from across the Health Sciences this winter in UCONJ 624 . We will develop your skills in advocacy and community organizing for health equity. Participate in different campaigns that works upstream to address the social determinants of health.

  •  Learn the fundamentals of advocacy, organizing, and their ability to impact health.
  • Apply skills, gain confidence, & collaborate around a community-driven goal.
  • Work with local leaders to engage in community driven listening campaigns.
  • Address the social & structural injustices that contribute to & perpetuate health disparities.

Course details:

  • Winter Quarter 2015
  • Thursdays 5:30-7:20p
  • Class in HSB

Email David Fernando ( for your add code.

Email Lorelei Walker ( with questions about the course.


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