Winter Qtr – Primary Care Course – FAMED 530 (1)

Primary Care
FAMED 530 – Winter 2015
Wednesdays – 5:30-6:50pm
1 credit

This unique inter-professional course focuses on primary care, the foundation of medicine and the cornerstone of healthcare reform. Addresses clinical, training, workforce, delivery, quality and policy issues. Describes the role of primary care in personal and population health. Explores care teams and the Patient-Centered Medical Home. Includes presentations, discussion and practice visits.

All professional and graduate students are welcome.

More information on the course (this link is inaccessible on 11/3, but I’ve emailed them and hopefully they can make it public soon):

Enrollment is limited and this course fills fast.  Get add code today, register on 11/7!
A course add code required. Contact: Audrey Lew:

William R. Phillips, MD, MPH
Theodore J. Phillips Endowed Professor in Family Medicine
Box 356390
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-6390
Tel: (206) 543-9425


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