Mental Health Support group by D Center – 2/4 and 2/18

Hey Everyone!

Looking for some extra mental health support this winter? The Student Disability Commission and the D Center are hosting a peer-facilitated mental health group for students to  to come together, share experiences and solidarity, and support each other in a casual, discussion-based setting. The group is lead by two queer and trans students!


The remaining dates are February 4th and February 18th! We meet in the D Center, MGH 024 from 5:30-7:00 pm.


For more info check out the FB:


Hope to see you all there!


Eze Klarnet | Student Disability Commission Director Associated Students of the University of Washington E-Mail | Office Hours | Facebook | Twitter HUB 131Q | 262.994.5663 [asuw.png]


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