Operation Care Package – Jan 10th and 11th

Many organizations take this time to give back to the community and help those in need, which is fantastic. However, the end of the holiday season should not mean the end of the giving season. That is why GoldenKeyUW will be holding its annual Operation Care Package after the holidays are over.

O.C.P. is our way of helping the homeless population in Seattle prepare for the winter. This event is open to EVERYONE, not just GK members. We will be making care packages which include clothes, first aid, food, and other items. Then we will distribute them to homeless people in Pioneer Square. O.C.P. is a 2 day event. You can choose to attend either day, or both. If you are a GK member, you will receive 4 points per day you attend. These points go toward earning free graduation cords! On Saturday Jan. 10th we will be making the care packages at UW. Then on Jan. 11th we will meet at UW and bus to Pioneer Square together to distribute the care packages. Please RSVP for O.C.P. so we can get a good idea of how many people will be helping out. Thank you!


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