UW Grad School Career Symposium (1/22) and Peer Mentors

UW 11th Annual Career Symposium for Graduate Students & Postdocs
Thursday, January 22, 2015 | 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm | Kane Hall, UW Seattle
Part 1: Employer Panel – 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Rm. 210
Part 2: Networking Reception with Alumni – 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm, Walker Ames Rm.

This event is an excellent opportunity for graduate students, professional students, and postdocs to explore various career paths, learn how to enhance their job marketability, and develop connections with employers and successful graduate-level alumni.  No registration required.  Free snacks and beverages available during the reception.

Grads Guiding Grads (G3)
UW Bothell | Seattle | Tacoma
**Depending on mentor availability, in-person, skype or both types of appointments available**

Interested in being a peer mentor to a fellow graduate student? Need a peer who can provide an empathic ear to your interpersonal, intellectual, and professional experiences? Grads Guiding Grads (G3) aims to fulfill the need for non-crisis, non-academic mentoring in the graduate and professional student community. Mentors volunteer their time to provide a sympathetic, objective ear to fellow peers. G3 strives to be inclusive and welcoming to all communities represented in the diverse UW graduate student body. The program matches students across disciplines and communities, and provides an opportunity to get advice from a fresh perspective. Participation in G3 is confidential. This program is not a clinical intervention, nor is it a replacement for the services of mental health professionals. This program is sponsored by the Graduate School and Counseling Center.


Apply to be a mentor here:
Request mentoring services:


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