Graduate Research Awards for students attending through Aug 15 ($5000) – due 4/30/15


Area Studies and Indigenous Ways of Knowing

Deadline for Proposals: April 30, 2015

Emerging from the fruitful convergences of an emergent Arctic Studies program and on-going cross-campus projects on Native and Indigenous Studies, the Canadian Studies Center, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, the Jackson School of International Studies, American Indian Studies and the Comparative History of Ideas program invite graduate students to apply for support of research that contributes to a dialogue between Area Studies and Indigenous Ways of Knowing. With support from an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant administered by the College of Arts and Sciences, we will be able to fund 3 graduate student grants of $5,000 each.*

Area Studies and Indigenous Ways of Knowing

This fellowship grant is part of a broad effort to re-think the epistemological, methodological and geographical orientations of area studies, and explore the transformational encounters with Native and Indigenous intellectual traditions and frameworks. Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that engage central and long-standing debates in area studies research like sovereignty, governance, territory, natural resource management, social movements, and security (to name only a few) and put these in dialogue with knowledge-systems, intellectual traditions, and Native knowledge-production as they take place in various sites throughout the world. Projects may take the form of an article manuscript or an artistic, creative work (film, video, fiction, poetry etc.).



Qualified applicants must be graduate students at the UW in any department (humanities, social science, natural sciences, professional schools). Applicants must be in good academic standing. Projects can be focused on any location in the world and comparative explorations are welcome.


Application Process and Proposal (1,500-3,000 words)

All materials will be submitted to on-line Jackson School Student Application website:


Applications must submit (1) a completed application form: (2) brief proposal (1,500-3,000 words); and (3) a letter from a faculty advisor indicating support for the proposal and agreeing to advise the student throughout the project from research design to submission to a peer-reviewed journal, (or in the case of alternative media or creative project, final production and dissemination).


The research proposal must include (in a single PDF) a paper title, research question, preliminary argument, project significance, theoretical framework and methodology; a research plan; and a 1page bibliography (not counted as part of the word limit).


In addition to single-authored applications, we welcome collaborative projects.** Projects may propose to integrate Indigenous perspectives with existing work in the social sciences, humanities, and art worlds. Fellows will be invited to share their work at a Fall 2015 symposium.

* Funds will be paid out in two installments, in Spring and Fall 2015. Fellows will receive $3,000 on submission of a progress report (due 10 June 2015); and, $2,000 after participating in a Fall symposium.

** Each funded project will receive $5000, regardless of number of collaborators.



Monick Keo

Arctic Academic Program Coordinator


Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies

University of Washington, Seattle



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