ASUW Queer Student Commission is Hiring

The ASUW Queer Student Commission is hiring a Director for the 2015-2016 school year!  The Queer Student Commission is one of eight diversity commissions under the Associated Students of the University of Washington.  We are a student-run, student-led, umbrella organization for queer and trans* students on campus.

The ASUW Queer Student Commission’s mission is to create and adapt programming that fosters a positive and anti-oppressive atmosphere so that it is appealing, relevant, and successful in drawing membership from all portions of the queer community.  QSC also acts as a representative and advocate on behalf of issues and concerns of the queer community, and advocates against homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of oppression on campus and in the community.  QSC creates learning spaces for students to explore topics related to queerness, anti-oppression, power and privilege, and social justice.  Finally, QSC serves as a liaison to queer organizations on campus, informs students of services available on campus and maintains strong communication with all queer constituencies.

If you are interested in apply, please visit  The job description and application form are located under “Queer Student Commission.”  The application is due Sunday, April 26th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to


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