Positive Exposure: The Spirit of Difference and On Beauty – May 5th

Disability Resources for Students and many wonderful co-sponsors invite you to attend a health sciences lecture by Rick Guidotti and a special screening of the short documentary, On Beauty.

Positive Exposure: The Spirit of Difference – Health Sciences Lecture by Rick Guidotti

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Time: 9:00 am

Location: Turner Auditorium (Room D-209)

Details: The School of Medicine, MEDEX Northwest, School of Nursing, School of Dentistry, Speech and Hearing Sciences, and the Division of Physical Therapy, and the Department for Bioethics and the Humanities will host a health sciences lecture by Rick Guidotti. This lecture is geared toward members of the medical community and open to all. Rick Guidotti, a world renowned photographer, became interested in using visual arts to change the way society understands genetic differences, disability and beauty. His Positive Exposure photo and video presentation encourages students and professionals in the health sciences to see individuals with genetic differences as whole people, not just their specific diagnoses.  More information on Rick and his work can be found here: Ted Talk and Positive Exposure


Special screening of On Beauty and guided discussion led by Rick Guidotti and the film’s Director, Joanna Rudnick

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Time: 4:30 pm

Location: HUB Lyceum

Details: A recent documentary, On Beauty, chronicles the work of Rick Guidotti  and the experiences of several exceptional women he has photographed. It premiered at the Chicago film festival last October and won audience favorite for short documentary. Since premiering in October 2014 On Beauty has continued to receive awards.  More information about the film can be found here: On Beauty



Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Time: 5:30 pm

Location: HUB Lyceum

Details: Help us welcome Rick Guidotti and Joanna Rucnick to campus by joining  us for food, beverages, and lively conversation.


For Additional Information Please Contact:

Britt Neff, M.Ed.

Counseling Services Coordinator

Disability Resources for Students

Mary Gates Hall, 011

Tel 206.221.3439


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