Transcultural Nursing Practice Graduate Course being offered this Summer

Summer Course: NURS 579: Transcultural Nursing Practice (3 credits)

Course: NURS 579

Title: Transcultural Nursing Practice

Quarter: Summer 2015

Mondays 9:40-12:30, T 521 HSB.

3 credits during both sessions.

We will pursue two related goals in NURS 579: (1) examine different approaches to culturally appropriate health care practice and (2) review the literature reflecting more than 40 years of development of cross cultural practice.  These goals will involve an examination of literature in Nursing, Transcultural Nursing, Medicine, Anthropology and related practice disciplines.  Seminar discussions focus on descriptions of clinical practice and will be based on weekly assignments from original sources and the experiences (clinical and otherwise) of participants.  Analytical dimensions for the study of culture in various health care settings will be proposed.  The reading and discussions also will contribute to the production of three (4-10 page) papers spread throughout the quarter.  The course is especially relevant to graduate students who will teach.



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