Anti-Racism and White Allyship Group (ARWAG) Discussion – 11/4

This coming Wednesday, November 4, ARWAG is hosting a session on interrupting racial microaggressions.  All students are invited to attend.

We’ll watch a powerful video clip from Cracking the Codes (and possibly one or two other video clips) in which Dr. Joy DeGruy describes a powerful example of white allyship behavior, and we’ll explore situations where we can act to interrupt racism.  How do we respond effectively with compassion?  Bring your real life experiences of racism, share strategies to counter silencing internal dialogues and generate effective interventions. Please RSVP/send questions

In addition, as we do in every meeting, we will have space for individuals to share and explore to receive support and challenge, to deal with any situations or circumstances related to white privilege and racism, whether specifically related to microaggressions or not.

We meet in the SSW Research Commons study rooms 2/3 for roughly an hour and a half, from 5 to 6:30 PM, but please come late/leave early as needed.


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