FALL 2015 | NURS576: Designing research proposals

NURS 576 Assessment and Collaboration with Communities, Populations and Systems 

Instructor: C. June Strickland Ph.D. RN | 3 credits | Tuesdays (4-6:30PM) Health Sciences T474

Are you a graduate student looking for a course to enhance your research skills in interviewing, conducting focus groups, developing a survey instrument, engaging in observation/participation observation? Then NURS 576 is a course you might consider for fall quarter 2015.

Originally designed for graduate students in Community Health Nursing, many doctoral students have found it helpful in designing their research proposals.

In this course, we will address the theories of assessment and focus specifically on research methods appropriate fore assesment:

1) Focus Group 2) Interview 3) Survey 4) Observation/Participation observation

Students will be required to work in teams to pilot a research method in gaining greater understanding of the challenges in assessment. For students who are not in the community Health Nursing Track, the instructor will work with you individually to address your specific needs.

The class meets five times during the quarter for three hours on Tuesday afternoon. We have limited space for students who are not in Community Health so do plan to register early if possible

For further information contact: C. June Strickland at



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