SSW Disability Activism Group – 11/6

Disability activists will meet to further discuss disability education and the “Do One Thing Campaign” on Nov. 6.

When: Friday, Nov. 6, 4:20-6 PM

Where: Research Commons’ large conference room

Last meeting’s summary:

Seven people attended yesterday’s Disability Activism group, with representation from Day 1 and 2, Advanced Standing, EDP 1 and 3, and the main campus. It’s an impressive group. We had a productive meeting and the group plans to meet again in two weeks to plan the details for a “Do One Thing Campaign” in which members talk with foundations professors/instructors with whom they have a connection to ask for a commitment to “do one thing” about disability education in each class once a quarter. This could be leading a discussion, inviting a speaker, watching and discussing a film, and so forth. The activist would offer to help the professor/instructor think through what might happen.

Questions? Mary Edwards,


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