More winter 2016 course options for students looking for an elective

This list is up-to-date as of Dec. 9th 2016 (please remember to look at other blog posts for more classes):

The following Social Work Classes still have space:

  • Soc W 552: Financial Management for Human Services (3 credits)
  • Soc W 561: Policy Analysis (3 credits)
  • Soc W 586: Policy Advocacy (1 credit)
  • Soc W 598A: Digital Story Telling (3 credits)

Courses from other departments:

Students are eligible to take up to 3 credits in another department to count towards their elective requirements. Classes must be 400 level or above.

For your convenience, we have also provide an extensive list of classes that may be of interest to you. We also encourage students to check the Time Schedule.

  • Anthro 469B: Southeast Asian Modernities TTH 3:30-5:20 (5 credits)
  • NSG 511: Prevention Issues in Community Health T 9:30-12:50 (3 credits)
  • EDLPS 586: Navigating the P-20 Pipeline T 4:30-6:50pm (3 credits)
  • EDLPS 598E: Student Development Theory II seminar T 7-9:20pm 5 weeks Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2 (1 credit)
  • EDSPE 504: Special education Law Th 4:30-6:50 (email EDCODES@UW.EDU and include course name, number, section, SLN and your name and student id #; 3 credits)
  • UCONJ 550 0 Healthcare in Underserved communities 6:30-8:20pm (1 credit)
  • HSERV 544 – Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries T, Th: 9-10:20 (3 credits)
  • NUTR 513: Food & Society Th 3:30-5:20 (2 credits)
  • PB AF 554: Housing & Social Policy M 1:30-4:20 (4 credits)
  • PB AF 565: Topics in Urban Affairs – City Management MW 4:30-5:50 (4 credits)
  • PB AF 573: Topics in Education & Social Policy – Child Well-being & Public Policy  T 1:30-4:20 (4 credits)
  • PB AF 578 Asset Building for Low Income Families Th 11:30-2:20 (4 credits)
  • PB AF 599D – Native American Nations: Policy and Governance, Tuesdays, 9:30 am – 12:20 pm (4 credits)
  • GEOG 431: Geography & Gender TTH 1:30-3:20 (5 credits)
  • GH/HSERV 544: Maternal & Child Health in Developing Countries TTh 9-10:20 (3 credits)
  • LSJ 490A: American Labor Studies & Law MW 9-10:50
  • Law H 530: Disability Law MW 10:30-12:20 (4 credits; contact Student Services in Law Dept )
  • BH 474/PHIL 411A: Justice Health Care TTH 12:30-2:20 (email your name, student #, and SLN to, 5 credits)

Independent studies:

Independent Studies are another option that allows students to explore an area of interest of their choice and that process is found in STAR when you login.  Students may count 3 credits of Soc W 599 toward their elective requirement.


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