International Volunteer Opportunities in Social Work

International Opportunities in Social Work –

SRI LANKA: Community Organizing & Community Development in the Slums One billion people on this planet live in slums. Social Work proudly pioneered work in the slums.
Come work with this amazing org that has systematically improved housing, infrastructure and economic development.
Have strong community organizing skills? We need you to help involve the community in each and every improvement being made, and strengthening their skills and buy in to community development.

COSTA RICA: Domestic Violence – Spanish fluency required Work in the shelter; do community education; help women become economically independent so they can leave abusive relationships; and/or help develop counseling programs for women, men and kids.
This is a great place to get experience with group and/or individual therapy or play therapy with the kids.

UGANDA: Community Organizing & Women
This Ugandan social work director who emphasizes empowering women, does a phenomenal job of teaching villages how to assess their needs, their strengths and achieve their goals.

INDIA: Training “barefoot counselors”
In many places language differences prevent foreigners from doing direct service but this psychiatric social worker created a way for you to help:
Train local Indians about mental health so they can help those with psychological or psychiatric needs.

INDIA: Geriatric Social Work
Help the equivalent of a local community college develop curriculum in Geriatric Social Work: half practice; half theoretical.

NEPAL: Women & Mental Health
Work with this grassroots organization that helps “vulnerable women” – which is often women with mental health needs.
Work in beautiful town that has commanding views of the Annapurna range.

TANZANIA or RWANDA: Psychiatric needs
All over the world survival needs trump mental health needs. (cf Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.) But these are two places where you can help with milieu therapy and/or help psychiatric patients.
(In both counties, English is not their first language so activity therapies are more useful.)

GULU, UGANDA: Child Development & Behavior Therapy Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army abducted children and youth to become child soldiers or to make the girls sex slaves in northern Uganda from 1986 to 2007. Gulu is peaceful now.
The young children that were borne out of those forced marriages (aka sex slaves), are now pre-teen or teenagers. They are acting out. The mothers have asked for help with behavioral interventions.
This is also well suited also to family therapists.

THAILAND: Dance, Music, Art & Drama Therapy Work with innovative organization that helps kids with developmental disabilities through dance, music, art or drama therapy.

People have flooded the cities, hoping to find work. There is none.
All over the world, where poverty prevails, kids and youth are the ones that suffer; it is the youth and kids that are pushed to make an income for the family shining shoes.
Have experience working with children, youth and families, or in Child Protection? We need you!

Please read NGOabroad website

and send answered Questionnaire and resume to:

These are volunteer opportunities.
Both students & seasoned professionals are needed.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


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