Job Search Workshops & Events – Winter Quarter, 2016

Job Search Workshops & Events held at the UW School of Social Work

Save the Date!

Friday, January 29
12:30 – 1:20 pm
Resume Construction Skills
Register HERE
Thursday, February 25
12:30 – 1:20 pm
The Road to Social Work Licensure
Register HERE
Friday, February 26
12:30 – 1:20 pm
Interviewing Skills to Get the Job You Want     Register HERE
Thursday, April 14
4:00 – 6:00 pm
SSW Annual Job Fair with LinkedIn Photo Booth – more info to come

SSW Career Online Resources:


“Resume Construction” for Social Workers
Register here for Resume Construction:

Where: School of Social Work (please RSVP for specific room location)
When: Friday, January 29 12:30 – 1:20 pm
Presenter: Alison S. Jones, Career Counselor-Lead, UW Career Center
Who: MSW and BASW students

Create an effective resume or improve the one you already have. Transform your resume into a powerful tool that will get you interviews. When was the last time you looked at your resume? Are you wondering how to best to incorporate your social work practicum, prior work experiences and coursework into a competitive resume that will be seen by employers?  Alison Jones, Career Counselor-Lead of the UW Career Center will present valuable information about how to edit the format and content of your resume to make it work for you.



“Road to Social Work Licensure” Workshop

Register here for the Licensure workshop:

Where: School of Social Work (please register for room location)
When: Thursday, February 25th 12:30 – 1:20 PM
NOTE: We do plan to hold another Licensure workshop in Spring Quarter which will be timed to accommodate weekend EDP student schedules.
Presenter: Jonathan R. Beard, MSSW, LICSW, CPRP
Who: MSW and BASW students

The NASW Washington State Chapter is pleased to provide information on Social Work licensure in Washington.  This presentation will outline the steps you will have to take to become licensed as a Social Worker in Washington.  Information on the different licensing categories, required work experience hours and required supervision hours to obtain your Social Work license will be provided.  We look forward to your questions regarding licensure. For those students unable to attend this Friday workshop, we will be holding another workshop in Spring Quarter.

Bio of presenter: Jonathan R. Beard, MSSW, LICSW, CPRP is the owner of Progressive Strategies in Seattle, WA, where he provides a variety of project management, consulting, training, and program and/or organizational development services to public and nonprofit human service providers and organizations. He also provides private practice based clinical social work supervision to beginning and experienced social workers who are unable to obtain it where they work. Jonathan has many years of experience as a direct services provider, supervisor/manager and senior executive, primarily in mental health settings. Since 2003, he has taught a social work licensure examination preparation course to hundreds of Social Workers in Washington and throughout the Northwest.

 “SW Job Search Interviewing Skills” Workshop

When: Friday, February 26 12:30 – 1:20 PM
Presenter: Alison S. Jones, Career Counselor-Lead, UW Career Center
Who: MSW and BSW students

Are job/internship interviews in your future? Want to brush up on your interviewing skills after a few years in school?  Your resume or job application showed you possess the desired skills for the job and now the employer wants to focus on the intangibles (such as your personality, communication skills  and approach to problem-solving) that will help them decide whether or not you will fit into the agency culture.  Alison Jones, Career Counselor-Lead will present on essential skills for a successful interview:  what to emphasize, what to avoid and how best to prepare.

ANNUAL JOB FAIR:   Mark your calendars.  SSW 18th Annual Job Fair will be held on Thursday, April 14, 2016, 4-6 pm, in the SSW Building.  Meet Agency representatives and find out which jobs they have available and who they’re looking to hire.

CAMPUS RESOURCES:  UW Career Center FREE services.  They will review your resume, set up a mock interview to help you practice your skills and have podcasts of the most popular job search workshops:

Same-Day Sessions
Streaming Workshops

Workshops, Labs, & Meetups
Career Guide  – very helpful booklet with sample resumes and interview preparation tips
Handout Library

DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION:  For general disability accommodation requests, contact UW’s Disability Services Office at: 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 (fax), or via email at

For interpreting, captioning, amplification services and TTYs contact the Coordinator of Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services at: Phone/V: 206-543-1415, TTY: 206-543-6452, or via email at

For the PDF version of this post, click here.

Questions about any of these programs?  Please email Linda Ruffer at



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