Spring course that is approved Soc W 506 substitution

This Urban Design and Planning course has been approved as a Soc W 506 substitution for MSW students, but please contact instructor before registering. I’m not sure if each student needs to already be working on a project to take the course. – Lin

Qualitative Research Methods

URBDP 519 A / Arch 598E

Tues 1:30-4:20/  Gould 440

Bob Mugerauer,

Educational Objectives

The course will examine traditional and innovative research methodologies appropriate for both archival research and field work.

(The approaches to be covered are appropriate for theses and dissertations.)  The goal is to cover the theoretical foundations and the applications of the most important methodological strategies for a variety of disciplines—responding to their differences as well as shared

features: planning, architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, forest resources, geography, anthropology, public health, public policy, social work, environmental-cultural studies.


The course will be limited to a small enough size to be conducted as a seminar, that is, through active discussion and interaction among all members.  The professor will present the most difficult material and gently keep the discussion focused; the students will need to be prepared (e.g. carefully read the assignments), contribute to the discussions, and make presentations concerning their research projects.

The intention is to gather a variety of students from multiple disciplines and with differing interests to ensure richness in seminar discussion.  The emphasis is on exploration, discovery, and interpretation, not on “proof.”


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