Complete UW Health Sciences Sustainability Survey

We are a team of UW undergraduates working on an project for the UW Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) that will provide initial information for launching a Greening Health Sciences Initiative in the near future. We will be working very closely with the schools and colleges that make up UW Health Sciences (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, & Social Work) but we are also aware that many pre-med students work towards degrees in other areas of the university so we did want to reach out to advisers campus wide.

We are seeking your assistance on two things:

  1. We created a survey to help us understand awareness and interest level of students, faculty and staff in environmental issues related to healthcare. Information collected from this survey will ultimately help implement and improve environmental education and operations efforts across UW Health Sciences. We invite you to take this quick online survey and kindly ask that you pass this survey along to students, staff, and faculty.

    This online survey is completely voluntary, but your participation is greatly appreciated. Due to the large number of survey participants, the likelihood that individuals would be identifiable from responses is very low. You will be asked questions about your knowledge and perception of environmental issues within the health science field. The 12-question survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. The data will be used to gauge environmental interests and efforts within the health sciences and the results will be incorporated in undergraduate senior theses and presentations on the topic.

Link to survey:

2. If you know students, faculty, and staff in your department or school that have an interest in environmental issues related to healthcare education or operations (including environmental issues ranging from topics in hospitals and clinics to topics in global health studies and research) and would like to be more involved, please share their names and contact information with us or pass along this email to them.

We thank you in advance and would be glad to answer any questions you may have about our project. Please send email inquiries to


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