Help hire new SSW Admissions Director – honorarium – apply by 2/19

Application due 5pm Friday, 2/19!

The School of Social Work is hiring a new Admissions Director, and SAC needs your help to incorporate student voice in this process! The Admissions Director’s duty is to attract prospective students and coordinate the admissions process to ensure a diverse, talented student body.

With the support of SAC, this Student Representative will be responsible in coordinating engagement opportunities for students in the BASW, MSW Day, EDP evening, EDP weekend and Advance Standing cohorts to interact with final candidates for the Admissions Director position, and gather feedback to help inform their decision in the final interview and selection process.

This role will require 15-20 hours of interviews and Hiring Committee meetings, and, depending on the level of engagement, likely another 10 hours organizing student candidate engagement opportunities and collecting feedback. This role will include an honorarium.

If you are interested in this position, please complete the application and submit it via email to Hana at       If you have any more questions about this role or the process, please email Dimitri at


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