Info Session: Intl Development & Nonprofit Management Certificates

If you are interested in earning a certificate in international development or nonprofit management, please mark your calendar for our upcoming information session!

*International Development and **Nonprofit Management** Certificates Information Session*

Monday, April 4, 2016

4:30-5:30 p.m.

Parrington 108

The International Development Certificate program

(IDCP) offers students a foundation for addressing complex questions of poverty and development. The goal of the IDCP within the student’s UW study is threefold: to understand the main debates, players, policies and values within international development; to be familiar with a common set of skills and applied approaches; and to appreciate the perspectives and methods that other disciplines bring to address current development challenges.

The Nonprofit Management Certificate program

(NMCP) gives you the tools and framework needed to meet the increasing challenges facing the nonprofit sector today. We have recently updated the NMCP curriculum and requirements to accommodate increasing demand for the program and to better enable students from diverse disciplines across the UW campuses to participate. The certificate program also offers the chance to develop networking relationships with guest speakers who are practitioners and professionals working in the local nonprofit community.

Students from any UW graduate program are eligible to apply.

The application deadline is *Monday, April 18, 2016. *

Note from Lin – 6 credits of the cert program electives may overlap with your MSW electives.  The rest of the credits are in addition to your MSW degree.


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