AmeriCorps Opportunities for students and grads

We have 3 openings.  This the first is through the WA State Service Corps. Our full-time VISTA Employment Coach will help households in Tacoma improve their prospects of finding high-wage jobs, which will in turn prevent displacement due to rising rents and home values. This EC position would support our efforts to provide employment training, financial empowerment, and income supports to economically vulnerable families. Apply through this link:

We also have two positions through the Financial Opportunity Corps. One is a full-time VISTA, and the other is a 25-hour fellowship, perfect for a college student or graduate student looking for a stipend and some part-time work. We will train both to teach community members how to teach others about financial capabilities in a “train the trainer” program, so our community can begin to develop a common language around finances. Click on the link and write to us if you are interested in applying:


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