After school nanny needed

We are a UW faculty family, living on Mercer Island, seeking a great nanny for our two elementary-age girls for the 2016-17 school year.

Responsibilities include:
* school pickup and driving to/from after-school activities (nearly all on Mercer Island)
* homework supervision, reading, and games
* laundry and light housekeeping
* prepping and cooking kid and family meals when needed

We are looking for a caregiver who:
* has experience working with and driving elementary-age children
* owns a safe vehicle and has a clean driving record (we will need you to use your own car & will compensate for gas and mileage)
* has a passion for working with kids and for teaching healthy habits of body and curiosity of mind
* has energy, flexibility, organization skills, and enjoys helping busy households run smoothly and happily!

Hours would be 5 days/week from 3PM until about 6:30PM MTThFr and 1PM-6:30PM W (a total of ~20 hours/week). Start date would be August 29 and continue through the end of June 2017.  Competitive hourly pay, comparable to on-campus employment and commensurate with experience.

Please message me directly at if interested.


Margaret O’Mara

Associate Professor of History

University of Washington


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