Personal Care Attendant for UW student, free UW room and $

Anyone know anyone who is a male student at UW??? One of our local DMD families has a son who is a freshman there this year and is need of help. Looks like an awesome opportunity for a student at UW. An opportunity to 1.) help someone 2). earn a little extra $ 3). FREE ROOM at UW!! The following is his post ” We are looking for PCA’s for college. Carl is living in Lander Hall at UW Seattle. While we have some spots identified we still need overnight PCA’s and maybe one more for the day. We have advertised on Husky jobs and the nursing, PT, OT departments. A great fit would be if anyone knows a UW student that would like free room on campus. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks”.  Please contact Jim Dunlap (Dad) for more info or if you’re interested.  Email is, 206-200-1643.

Lin Murdock

Director of Student Services

School of Social Work

University of Washington


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