Nominate faculty and graduate students for the Distinguished Teaching Awards

Dear Members of the University of Washington Community,

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2017 Distinguished Teaching Awards.  We are especially interested in generating a diverse group of nominations, including nominations of faculty members who are women, or from underrepresented minority groups, or with disabilities.

Please consider nominating one of your stellar faculty or graduate student colleagues.

The Distinguished Teaching Award (DTA) honors five UW Seattle instructors who have demonstrated extensive knowledge and mastery of their subject matter; displayed the ability to inspire, guide and mentor students through independent and creative thinking; and served as mentors, collaborators, and consultants to other faculty members and teaching assistants within or beyond their departments.

The Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovation with Technology (DTA-I) recognizes a faculty member or team from one of the three University of Washington campuses who has designed and implemented an original project that has had a significant impact on student learning; demonstrated potential for effectiveness on a larger scale; and shown potential for effectiveness in different courses, with different student demographics, and in different instructional settings.  Like the DTA, the DTA-I can only be received once by an individual faculty member or member of a faculty team.

Those who have already received a DTA are ineligible to a receive a DTA-I and visa versa.

The Excellence in Teaching Award (ETA) is given to graduate students who demonstrate extraordinary effectiveness as UW instructors.  Finalists and recipients show remarkable skill at engaging students, closing gaps between teaching and learning, and supporting student success.  They often mentor or lead other graduate instructors.  All Seattle campus graduate instructors and teaching assistants are eligible.

To begin the nomination process, please submit your online form at

Deadline for all submissions is Friday, November 18, 2016, 5:00 p.m

The names of all eligible nominees will be posted on the Center for Teaching and Learning web site by Friday, November 28 at 5:00 p.m.  Nominees will also be contacted via email regarding their nomination and instructions for how to submit a complete file, should they choose to do proceed.

Please consider nominating one your exemplary colleagues – faculty, graduate student, or both – for DTA, DTA-I, or ETA.  They deserve it.  For questions, please email


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