Volunteer Translators needed at local school – Spanish, Tigrinya, Somali, Amharic and Arabic

Hazel Wolf K-8 is a local Seattle public school which has a number of students receiving ELL services.  The school recently moved into their permanent location north of Northgate in the Pinehurst Neighborhood and the school is very happy to be amidst a wide diversity of cultures and languages and want to provide a welcoming environment to their new neighborhood families, but struggle to communicate with the families.

The school and PTSA are looking for volunteers who are able to translate materials into Spanish, Tigrinya, Somali, Amharic, and Arabic.  This can be as little as helping to translate the read-a-thon flyer or translating information about how to enroll in the program during the very complex open enrollment procedure.  You can always say that you’re not able to work on a specific project, but this call is to get folks on a list willing to be called/emailed when the need arises.  Most documents, once translated once, will only need to be updated yearly, so this work will help for years to come!

If you’re willing and able to be contacted about translating materials, please send your name, the language to which you can translate and your email/phone number to Virginia See at Virginia.see (at) and tell them that Lin Murdock sent you.


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