Restorative Justice Circle Facilitator Training February 16th – 20th

They are starting Restorative Justice Circles at Monroe Correctional Complex and Washington Corrections Center for Women and so are offering this training for individuals interested in serving as facilitators for these circles.

The Restorative Justice Circle Facilitator Training will be held from February 16th-February 20th, 9:00AM- 5:00PM (location TBD). Attached, please find the flyer with a more detailed description of the event as well as application instructions. Decisions will be made on a rolling basis. There are also scholarships available.

If you are interested in supporting an individual who may otherwise not be able to take the time off from work and attend an intensive training, please consider donating here.

Please consider applying yourself or pass along to folks you think may be interested!

PDF of flyer: ipp-phase-i-training


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