The National LGBTQ Institute on IPA Announcing the 2017 Q&A for Advocates Summit!

For MSW blog

The National LGBTQ Institute on IPV is excited to announce the 2017 Q&A for Advocates Summit! This is a fantastic national training opportunity focused on building strategies for advocacy and organizing in response to abuse in LGBTQ communities.

Q&A for Advocates is a one-of-a-kind training for advocates, therapists, activists, social workers, service providers and anyone who works with lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer survivors of domestic violence.

This year the summit is February 23-24, 2017 at the South Seattle Community College – Georgetown Campus in Seattle, WA.

Registration is open through February 16th, 2017, but make sure you reserve your space by registering at your earliest convenience. Payment can be made by registering online or sending a check by mail.

Register online for the 2017 Q&A for Advocates Summit at this link:


For additional questions, please contact Marci at 206-568-7777 or email


We would love for you to help us get the word out and pass this along to other organizations, friends, family, co-workers and community members.  We look forward to seeing you at our 2017 Q&A Summit!



The National LGBTQ Institute on IPV,  a project of the NW Network of BTLG Survivors of Abuse and NCAVP.


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