School of Law Health Law Grad Courses, Spring 2017


The Health Law program at the School of Law has graduate level courses that are open to the rest of the UW community.  In this time of uncertainty about health care, students around campus may be interested in some background on the health programs in the news.  These courses are fee-based, but we can accommodate undergrads or state-supported graduate students with tuition-based SLNs.

H502, Medical Malpractice (3 credits), T/TH 8:50-10:20 am

This course on practitioner liability will be taught this year by the husband-wife team of Elizabeth Leedom and William Leedom, two extremely experienced practitioners who are partners at a premier boutique health care law firm downtown, Bennett, Bigelow and Leedom.  It will focus on the legal elements of professional liability, negligence and breaches of informed consent.

H503 Medical Ethics and Jurisprudence (3 credits), T/TH 3:50-5:20pm

The course examines the relationship between bioethics and law and reviews basic concepts of both disciplines and their theoretical and practical connections. Analysis of principal legal cases and statutes illustrating such issues as informed consent to treatment, foregoing life support, research with human subjects, confidentiality, allocation of health care resources.  This course is co-taught by law school Professor Patricia Kuszler (an MD and lawyer) and Professor and Chair of the Department of Bioethics and Humanities, Dr. Denise Dudzinski.

H506 International Bioethics, Social Justice and Health Seminar (1 credit), Tuesday 4:30-6:20 pm (every other week)

Explores case studies of ethical dilemmas and violations of international human rights in global health research, practice and policy.  This course is taught by Dr. Beth Rivin.

H520 Genetics and Law (3 credits), Mon/Wed 1:30-3:00 pm

In this age of new genetic discoveries, this course will consider the constitutional underpinnings of personal information and issues of genetic testing (including omission of testing and disclosure of genetic test results), and regulation of genetic tests and information.  This course is taught by Professor Anna Mastroianni, JD, MPH, and is offered jointly with the Public Health Genetics program.

FIRST TIME IN THREE YEARS BEING OFFERED:  H521 Medicare/Medicaid Finance and Reimbursement (2 credits), Thursdays 1:30-3:20 pm (with 4/14 additional class)

So much of the public healthcare insurance debate calls out Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) but the debate also affects our other public insurers, Medicare and Medicaid.  Tim Blanchard and Margaret (Peg) Manning, practitioners each with over 30 years of experience in this area of health care law, will teach the basics and current controversies in Medicare and Medicaid.

H534 Mental Health and Law (3 credits), M/W 10:50am-12:20 pm

This course will deal with both civil and criminal aspects of mental health and the law. The course will focus on civil aspects of mental health law, such as standards and procedures for involuntary commitment; consent for, and informed refusal of, treatment; and deinstitutionalization/community-based treatment. Next, the course will focus on the mental health issues in criminal law, such as the insanity defense, competency to stand trial, and punishment of the mentally ill.  Terry Price, who is both a mental health professional and lawyer, teaches this course.



Terry J. Price

Associate Director, Center for Law, Science and Global Health

University of Washington School of Law

William H. Gates Hall, Rm. 438

P.O. Box 353020

Seattle, WA  98195-3020

Direct: (206) 221-6030

Fax: (206) 543-5671


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