UW Q Center: Qolors Intentional Life Planning Retreat on April 7th–Some Scholarships Available

As part of the Q Center’s Qolors celebration we​ are hosting a day long Intentional Life Planning Retreat for students: This is a great opportunity for marginalized students to get grounded personally and professionally in your​ own inner compasses, to find clarity in your​ direction, and build achievable goals that speak to your​ values.

The Q Center is offering their space and is sponsoring up to 8 students. We are inviting other departments and campus entities to help spread the word to students by encouraging similar fiscal sponsorship.

​If you are a student interested in taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity, please email Jen at

*You must be able to dedicate all day to the workshop

*This is a highly sought-after retreat with two fantastic QTPOC facilitators who offer this workshop professionally across the country…do not miss out!

Q Center


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